UNT HIST 2620 - The U.S. in 1877
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Hist 2620 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture I Course Introduction Outline of Current Lecture II American Culture III American Sense of Mission a The Puritans b Secularization Current Lecture American Culture as a society the American society believes that we have the best nation Four themes that are focused on would be American Sense of Mission American Imperialism Capitalism Consumerism and Racism Prejudice Ethnic Hatred American Sense of Mission Thomas Paine believed that there was a need to flee from Britain in order to be the best nation America The Puritans group of people from late 1500s to early 1600s there goal was to reform the English Church They believed they were the chosen people to be responsible of reforming the church they failed numerous times to change the church in England the puritans decided to go elsewhere to make this goal come true In 1630 they traveled across the Atlantic to form a new colony where they would have complete control These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute John Witherow gave a sermon A Model of Christian Charity saying that it was essential for them to be successful in making this reformation come true City upon a Hill he also informed them that they needed to show England they can make this goal happen and the hope that everyone else will change to support this reformation as well Secularization to set religious values aside and focus on non religious values such as government Examples John Adams felt the need that America should declare their independence from the British Empire the declaration was approved on July 2 1776 Ronald Reagan he believed it was a part of God s plan for a piece of land America to be placed on earth just do that the puritans could discover it and make their reform happen there George Bush U S is the greatest force for good in history he implied that if you are against us you are evil

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UNT HIST 2620 - The U.S. in 1877

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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