ELMHURST CHM 103 - Amines and Amides
School name Elmhurst College
Course Chm 103-
Pages 18

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Amines Amines Amines Boiling Points of Amines Hydrogen bonding of Amines Solubility of Amines Solubility of Amines Solubility of Amines Self ionization of Amines Addition of water yields a base hydroxide ions H3C H N CH3 H H3C H O H 2 N H3C CH3 H O N H CH3 O H H H3C N H H CH3 OH Neutralization of Amines 21 Neutralization of Amines Amine plus HX amine halogen salt H3C NH2 H H3C HCl N H3C H H Cl NH3 Cl H H3C N Cl H H 22 Neutralization of Amines Amine plus carboxylic acid amine acid salt H3C O NH2 HO C O H3C CH3 NH3 O C CH3 O H H3C N H H O C CH3 O H H3C N H H O C CH3 Neutralization of Amines Neutralization of Amines Heterocylic Amines Alkaloids Alkaloids Alkaloids

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ELMHURST CHM 103 - Amines and Amides

Course: Chm 103-
Pages: 18
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