UA NHM 101 - From guidelines to groceries
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NHM 101 1nd Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Dietary Guidelines and food patterns Outline of Current Lecture II From guidelines to groceries III Food groups Current Lecture Fruits Consume a variety of fruits Choose whole fruit more often that fruit juice Limit fruits that contain SoFas solid fats and added sugars o Fruit in syrup o Fruit drinks Frozen fresh and canned fruit with light or no syrup is a good choice also canned fruit in its own juice or water is good Vegetables Consume a variety of vegetables each day Choose from all five subgroups several times a day o Dark green vegetables o Red and orange vegetables o Legumes o Starchy vegetables o Other vegetables Limit vegetables that contain SoFas Grains Make at least half your grains whole These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Limit grains that contain SoFas Focus on fiber content o Choose a product with 3 5 grams of fiber or more o Whole grains should be the first word on the ingredient list Protein foods Choose a variety of protein foods Choose seafood in place of meat or poultry twice a week Limit protein foods that contain SoFas Portion size is key with protein foods o 3 4 oz of meat poultry and fish Milk and milk products Choose fat free or low fat Choose other calcium rich foods if you do not consume milk Limit milk products that contain SoFas Oils Not a food group BUT They contribute vitamin E and essential fatty acids Use oils instead of solid fats o Limit butter animal fats stick margarine shortening and lard

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