IUB TEL-T 192 - Final Exam Study Guide
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Tel T 192 1st Edition Exam 3 Study Guide Lectures 11 16 Lecture 17 Title IX o Prohibits universities from discriminating on the basis of sex o 1972 o Wasn t really about sports at all Came into the athletics world in the 1990s Athletics departments offered more things and money to men and men s sports In order to comply with this schools frequently had to cut back on men s sports funding Media and the female athlete o Bias in coverage Print and tv Men get more coverage women only 3 of total coverage o Female athletes are frequently shown off the court o More female journalists and reporters than ever before Journalists are generally unaware of bias in the coverage o Female athletes are symbolically annihilated because they are shown as nothing in comparison to their male counterparts o Production Angles of photos differ between gender Women are often characterized as emotional Use more slow motion for women Baywatch effect The way it is produced makes it seem slower than it actually is o Commentary Influence Messner 1993 Gender marking consistently reminding viewer you are watching the women s version of something Hierarchy of naming Consistently refer to women athletes as girls Women athletes frequently referred to by first name while males are referred to by their full name or their last name Messner s Content Analysis Nice guys finish last o Aggression and injury are praised White dominated commentators Athletes give up their bodies for sports o Play with injuries or concussions and are praised for it o Bias gets embedded The role of the female sports announcer enhances this idea o Stereotyping naturally less exciting Less camera angles special effects etc Less advertising revenue If you are an athlete you must be a lesbian Hyper sexualized portrayals often show people you aren t gay o Men are expected to be heterosexual o Effects Smaller audiences Learned attitudes about women s sports equals less enthusiasm Impact of these biases on young girls and boys Can actually impact motor performance o Studies by Harrison and Fredrickson Softball throwing and then either saw a hypersexualized portrayal or an athletic portrayal Girls who saw the sexualized portrayal did worse throwing than the first time This is an example of social learning Influences young boys attitudes about female athletes Lecture 18 The Problems o Females in film do not represent half the cinematic sky Outnumbered 5 to 1 More likely to see predominantly male cast o Behind the scenes females are small in number but large in influence o Females lack equity and they re eye candy Women are marginalized Women in News Media o Regulation Equal employment opportunity act 1969 Before act o Self imposed rules Sex and race o Media industry were used as an example o In able to continue their licensing Had to prove women minorities Regulation o Closer to achieving 50 50 o Had women in almost every section except broadcast management Specifically applied to minorities originally Then women were included in 1971 1980 s deregulation Regan deregulated the industry o Market place approach Let audience decide what they want to see Those that are watched become popular and so more of the same is made New rule o Radio stations no longer had to run local news Women and minorities lost their jobs o Usually hired to be news reporters Took away any gains the equal employment opportunity had Telecommunications act of 1996 Allowed media industry to consolidate Before o A single company could not own more than a few station 7am and 7 fm stations o A lot of companies existed New legislation o No cap on how many media stations one company could own Result o About 6 major companies own the media Influence the media They make what we see television newspapers sporting arenas all owned by companies all 6 CEO s are white males controls 70 of our cable Effect o Fewer jobs o Women even fewer jobs o Because of conglomeration no longer need 6 people to do the job of 1 no jobs for women The Problem o Trends in Ownership Horizontal One media company buys another of the same type Newspaper buys newspaper Vertical Media company buys suppliers and distributers that get the media to the public Owns many different things Control content and distribution Conglomerate When they buy non media enterprises If they own other businesses free advertisement for other businesses in the media Lecture 19 Social Function of News in Society o vital commodity o surveillance function o gatekeeping function o agenda setting function Newspapers o more men act as gatekeepers less women act as gatekeepers o men cover certain issues differently than women cover certain issues Television o when women become anchors they become news o Katie Couric The Discipline Function of the press women are sexualized and personalized o women are perceived as less credible by men not by women when sexualized and personalized o more women are on NPR and PBS because they are not for profit Lecture 20 creators o it is a glamorized industry play and design video games see the newest things firsthand sought after industry o the passion that leads people to become designers and developers can be mishandled women s passions become a gendered issue there is a notion that their priorities are placed elsewhere Characters o Appear less frequently than male characters When they do appear they are often overly sexualized It s not just the sex it s the comparison Social comparison These characters are desirable and sought after Reinforces the thin ideal Women compare to models regardless of achievability o Hypersexualization leads to objectification o Features of the female form are made more extreme o The future of female characters isn t all that bad Game designers are including stronger female characters more complex female characters and capable female characters in games not always meant for men Gamers o Many women play and they are usually just normal women o Women 18 and over represent 31 of the gaming population o Many women are casual gamers But an increasing number of women are hardcore gamers o Women and girls play games for the same reasons that males play video games o Women don t frequently play core games because they aren t marketed toward them o It is often assumed that women can t play games which isn t really true o Many women experience harassment and trolling or other hostility when playing with other male gamers because of their gender People have begun to take note of the toxic

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