Tel T 192 Lecture 20 Outline of Last Lecture I She Works Hard for the Money Outline of Current Lecture II Designing Women Current Lecture Designing Women o Why do people play games For the challenge For the arousal For the competition For the diversion For the fantasy For the social interaction o The good Research suggests games Improve memory and critical thinking Enhance targeting abilities Assist in overcoming physiological issue Allow people to have fun o The Bad Games tend to push the envelope Violence Morality Children Sexuality o Creators The Games industry 58 of the US plays 45 of the players are women 20 77 billion industry o Brings in a lot of money o The industry is where a lot of entertainment dollars go A glamorized industry o Play and design games o See the newest things firsthand o Sought after industry These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Project based teamwork leads to crunching o Have release dates and that is when crunch time happens the passion that leads people to become designers and developers can be mishandled o women s passions become a gendered issue 6 of workers within the industry were women in 2009 There is a notion their priorities are placed elsewhere Infamously gendered culture of the industry o This behavior within the industry has caused many to turn a critical lens on the industry o 1ReasonWhy movement created on twitter Industry remains one that struggles against gender discrimination and diversity o 1ReasonToBe at GDC 2013 Women in the industry brought their stories to share with people o Characters Appear less frequently than male characters When they do appear they are hyper sexualized This leads to objectification Features of the female form are made more extreme The future of female characters isn t all that bad Designers are including stronger female characters more complex female characters and capable female characters in games not always meant for men o Gamers Many women play and they are just normal women Many women are casual gamers An increasing number of women are playing hardcore games Women gamers are frequently being trolled or harassed online Industry leaders are beginning to take control of the toxic situation and are attempting to get rid of this issue
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