IUB TEL-T 192 - She Throws Like a Girl
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Tel T 192 Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture I Movie Day Outline of Current Lecture II She Throws Like a Girl Current Lecture She Throws Like a Girl o Title IX Prohibits universities from discriminating on the basis of sex 1972 Wasn t really about sports at all Came into the athletics world in the 1990s Athletics departments offered more things and money to men and men s sports In order to comply with this schools frequently had to cut back on men s sports funding o Media and the female athlete Bias in coverage Print and tv Men get more coverage women only 3 of total coverage Female athletes are frequently shown off the court More female journalists and reporters than ever before Journalists are generally unaware of bias in the coverage Female athletes are symbolically annihilated because they are shown as nothing in comparison to their male counterparts Production Angles of photos differ between gender Women are often characterized as emotional Use more slow motion for women o Baywatch effect o The way it is produced makes it seem slower than it actually is Commentary Influence Messner 1993 Gender marking consistently reminding viewer you are watching the women s version of something Hierarchy of naming o Consistently refer to women athletes as girls These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Women athletes frequently referred to by first name while males are referred to by their full name or their last name Messner s Content Analysis o Nice guys finish last Aggression and injury are praised o White dominated commentators o Athletes give up their bodies for sports Play with injuries or concussions and are praised for it Bias gets embedded The role of the female sports announcer enhances this idea Stereotyping naturally less exciting o Less camera angles special effects etc o Less advertising revenue If you are an athlete you must be a lesbian o Hyper sexualized portrayals often show people you aren t gay o Men are expected to be heterosexual Effects Smaller audiences Learned attitudes about women s sports equals less enthusiasm Impact of these biases on young girls and boys o Can actually impact motor performance Studies by Harrison and Fredrickson Softball throwing and then either saw a hyper sexualized portrayal or an athletic portrayal Girls who saw the sexualized portrayal did worse throwing than the first time This is an example of social learning o Influences young boys attitudes about female athletes

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