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Aldehydes and Ketones Aldehydes and Ketones Polar Carbonyl Molecular Geometry Carbonyl group Planar Triangle Common Aldehydes Carbonyl group Planar Triangle Common Ketones Carbonyl group Planar Triangle Polar Property Carbonyl group Planar Triangle Boiling Points Carbonyl group Planar Triangle Solubility in Water Carbonyl group Planar Triangle Physical Properties Carbonyl group Planar Triangle Types of Isomers Enantiomers chiral isomers Chiral Isomers Chiral isomers have 4 different groups Achiral Isomers Achiral isomers have 2 or more identical groups Chiral Isomers Chiral isomers have 4 different groups Chiral Isomers Chiral or optical isomers have mirror images Chiral Isomers Draw the mirror image Fischer Projections Draw the mirror image Fischer Projections Draw the mirror image

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ELMHURST CHM 103 - Aldehydes, ketones and chiral molecules

Course: Chm 103-
Pages: 18
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