School name Elmhurst College
Course Chm 103-
Pages 32

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DNA DNA RNA DNA RNA DNA RNA DNA Backbone Structure Alternate phosphate and sugar deoxyribose phosphate ester bonds DNA Backbone Structure Alternate phosphate and sugar deoxyribose phosphate ester bonds DNA RNA DNA Primary Structure Summary Backbone sugar phophate with phosphate ester bonds and base or heterocyclicamine side chains DNA RNA DNA Double Helix Base pairing by unique hydrogen bonds C G and A T pairs DNA Double Helix Base pairing by unique hydrogen bonds C G and A T pairs DNA DNA Replication Polymerase enzymes which guide replication DNA Replication Polymerase enzymes which guide replication DNA Replication Complementary base pairs form new strands DNA DNA DNA RNA Transcription In nucleus DNA guides the synthesis of mRNA RNA Transcription RNA polymerase and elongation reaction RNA Transcription RNA polymerase and elongation reaction Types of RNA mRNA contains codons which code for amino acids DNA Types of RNA rRNA Ribosome contains enzymes and keeps everything together Types of RNA tRNA Transfer RNA carries amino acid and read codons on m RNA through its own anticodons Types of RNA tRNA Transfer RNA carries amino acid and read codons on m RNA through its own anticodons Protein Synthesis Protein Synthesis Protein Synthesis Protein Synthesis Protein Synthesis Protein Synthesis

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Course: Chm 103-
Pages: 32
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