1st Edition
BLAW 210: Law and the Legal Environment of Business
School: Washington State University (WSU )
Pages: 4Includes: Key terms and definitions; Selected concepts and summaries of the least three lectures and from the professor's power-point.
Pages: 2Includes: Specific concepts from professor's lecture; Key terms and definitions.
Pages: 2Include: Specific concepts and examples from the professor's lecture and power-point.
Pages: 2Includes: Descriptions of various business entities; selected concepts from the professor's lecture.
Pages: 4Includes: Key terms and definitions; Specific concepts from professor's lectures; selected examples from various class discussions.
Pages: 2Includes: Summary of professor's lecture and power-point slides; Key words and definitions; Select examples and explanations.
Pages: 2Includes: summary of professor's lecture and power-point slides; key words and definitions; select examples and explanations.
Pages: 3Includes: Key terms and definitions; Selected examples from the professor's lecture.
Pages: 6Exam 2 Study Guide: Includes a summary of every lecture; Specific examples regarding key concepts; Key terms and definitions.
Pages: 2Includes: Summary of professor's lecture as well as examples; selected key terms and definitions.
Pages: 2Includes: Detailed summary of professor's lecture; Key terms and definitions.
Pages: 2Includes: Specific examples from the professor's lecture; summary of basic concepts from the chapter.
Pages: 4Includes: Detailed definitions and explainations of key ideas and words from professor's lecture.
Pages: 4Midterm Exam 1 (Chapters 1-5): Includes basic summary of every lecture; selected examples from professor's lectures; key terms within chapters 1-5.
Pages: 2Includes: key terms from chapter 5; selected examples form professor's lesson.
Pages: 3Lecture Note 3: Includes the rest of "How a Court Case Works"; main points regarding Constitutional Law; selected Amendments and meanings; definitions of key words.
Pages: 3Lecture Note 2: Includes basic outline of how to formulate a case brief; describes how a court case works; selected key words and terms.
Pages: 5Lecture Note 1: Summary of class lecture, detailed key terms from chapter 1 and 2, brief overview of lesson examples.