1st Edition
CHEM 1211: Freshman Chem I
School: University of Georgia (UGA )
Pages: 29Lectures 1-24, Material covering Chapters 1-11 in Chemistry & Reactivity Textbook.
Pages: 2Molecular Orbital Theory and Bonding...
Pages: 3Bond Length / Strength and Bond Dissociation Enthalpies
Pages: 2Covalent Bond and Octet Rules Octet Rule Violators
Pages: 2Lewis Dot Structures: Ionic Compounds and Covalent Compounds on the Periodic Table
Pages: 7Lectures 14-17 Material that Covers Chapter Five to the Beginning of Chapter Seven for Exam Three: Hess's Law The Photoelectric Effect Light and Energy Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrums Bohr's Model of the Atom Emission Lines Electron Configuration DE Broglie's Principle Orbitals and Quantum Numbers Orbital Box Notation Hund's Rule
Pages: 3Orbital Box Notations, Periodic Trends, Etc.
Pages: 2Electromagnetic Radiation, Spectrums, Bohr Model of the Atom, etc.
Pages: 5Reactions, Molarity, Oxidation numbers, Chemical Thermodynamics (heat and internal energy), Stoichiometry, pH, dilutions, etc.
Pages: 3Acid Concentrations, pH, Chemical Thermodynamics, Heat, Internal Energy
Pages: 3Chemical Calculations and Reactions, Many Examples
Pages: 9Atoms, Molecules, Compounds, Formulas, Ions, Nomenclature, Moles, Examples!!
Pages: 7Groups on the Periodic Table, Greek Prefixes, Ionic Compounds, Molecular Compounds, Moles
Pages: 4Nuclide Structures, Mass Spectrum, Natural % Abundance, Atomic Weight, The Periodic Table, Forms of Carbon