HD 204 1nd Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I Family Communication and Narrative II Types of Family Networks III New Media and Family Communication Network IV Narratives V How Family Stories are Told Outline of Current Lecture II Relational Maintenance III Martial Relational Strategies IV Gottman s Magic Ratio V Maintenance in Other Family Relationships VI Relational Currencies VII Types of Relational Currencies VIII Meanings and Currencies IX 5 Love Languages Current Lecture Relational Maintenance o Everyday stuff that involves keeping a relationship In existence In a state of connectedness In a satisfactory condition In repair Martial Relational Strategies o Maintenance strategies Positivity being polite Openness self exposure Assurance saying I love you Social network spending time with others Sharing tasks Gottman s Magic Ratio o The ratio of positive to negative interactions needs to be 5 1 Maintenance in Other Family Relationships o Children and parents These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Sibling relationships o Long distance relationships Meditated message email texts vs face to face o Divorce and remarriage o Confirming messages Recognition verbal and non verbal Dialogue promoting conversation Accepting avoiding judgment o Rejecting messages o Disconfirming messages Relational Currencies o Communication behaviors that carry meaning o Ways of showing caring loving and kindness o Symbolic exchange process o Family of origin influence Types of Relational Currencies o Positive verbal statement o Self disclosure o Listening o Facial expression o Touch o Sexuality o Aggression o Gifts o Money o Food o Favor o Service o Staying in touch o Time o Access rights Meanings and Currencies o Satisfaction is tied to one s perception of currency o Couples with similar affection exchange behavior have higher levels of relationship satisfaction 5 Love Languages o Words of affirmation o Acts of service o Gifts o Quality Time o Touch
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