HD 204 1nd Edition Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture I System Characteristics II Equifinality III Limitations Outline of Current Lecture II Social Constructionism III Symbolic Interaction IV Relational Dialects V Narrative Theory VI Narrative Performance Theory Current Lecture Social Constructionism o People actively constructing a model of the world through their conversation actions o Families are social systems created by their communication Symbolic Interaction o Interaction fosters development of self and group identity o Behavior is based on meaning attributed to action o Meanings are influenced by social and cultural context o Roles Shared norms about social position Tells us what behavior is expected Tells us what behavior we can expect of others Relational Dialect o Focuses on how people manage contradiction in a relationship Autonomy connection independence vs dependence Openness closeness being open vs being private Predictability vs novelty tradition vs something new o How do families deal with these tensions Narrative Theory o We make sense of our world through storytelling Subjective process Allows us to discover and create who we are These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Types of narrative Recounting retelling what was experienced Accounting reasoning your personal behavior Narrative Performance Theory o Reforming family stories Audience Norms of power and knowledge Tone
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