Chapter 4 Perceiving Persons Part 2 Sept 19 2011 Attributions Attribution explanation about a behavior Heider personal vs situational Attribution theories 1 Jones Correspondent Inference theory Infer from action 1 Did the person have a choice 2 Was the behavior expected 3 How many positive effects were there Attribution Theories cont 2 Kelly s Covariation theory Attribute behavior to internal person or external situation based on 3 questions 1 Consensus 2 Distinctiveness 3 Consistency See fig 4 4 If low distinctiveness low consensus but high consistency which attribution Example If high distinctiveness high consensus but low consistency which attribution Example Attribution Biases What are heuristics 1 Availability heuristic Can lead to false consensus Can lead to baserate fallacy Linked to counterfactual thinking Regret over what we might have done Olympic results example 2 Fundamental Attribution Error FAE What is it 2 step model Examples Sources of the FAE Example Sources of FAE 1 Actor observer difference What is it 2 Time perspective 3 Cultural differences Motivational Biases Self serving biases Influence of need for self esteem Belief in a just world Impression Formation How do we integrate information to form impressions Common deviations from rules Perceiver characteristics Priming effects Target characteristics
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