WSU HD 204 - Communicating in the Family

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H D 204 1nd Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Defining Family II Families Are III Vocabulary Outline of Current Lecture II What is Communication III Communicating IV Levels of Communicating V Dialectical Tensions VI Dialectical Management Current Lecture What is communication o The process of sharing and creating meaning o Dynamics always changing with context players roles and perception o Symbolic non verbal and verbal to communicate a message o Transactional process both people are affected and the focus is on the relationship not the individual o It is impossible not to communicate Communicating o Experience age gender culture religion family patterns and context all determine meaning o Family provides contexts in which we learn to put meaning to messages experience Levels of communication o Metacommunication clarifies establishes rules about communication o Verbal and non verbal digital the actual words or message analogic the underlying message Dialectical tensions o The push and pull of receiving and sending messages Dialectical relationship maintaining connections while keeping autonomy o Disclosing without hurting someone o Stating needs without offending o Competition versus cooperation Dialectical management o How the family negotiates tensions inherent in keeping balance and open communication These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute

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WSU HD 204 - Communicating in the Family

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