H D 204 1nd Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Syllabus Outline of Current Lecture II Traditional American Family III Despite Realities IV What Does Traditional Mean V The Traditional Family An Anomaly History VI Reality of 1950 s Current Lecture Traditional American Family o Breadwinner father o Full time homemaker wife mom o Dependent children o Nuclear family aka traditional family o Less than 10 of American families would be considered traditional Despite Realities o The traditional American family image persists through popular culture Media Desire for an image of easier times Nostalgia What does Traditional Mean o Is it inclusive for all ethnic cultures o Does it define include all socioeconomic classes o Has it always existed o Does it still exist The Traditional Family An Anomaly History o In the 1950 s white middle class migration to the suburbs Med s education levels were higher Birth rate was increasing baby boom o Nuclear family was A symbol of prosperity A central source of happiness self worth and fulfillment o Everyone strove to maintain an image Example Leave it to Beaver These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Housing was more affordable Reality of 1950 s o 25 of American lived in poverty o 1 3 of families had both parents who worked They couldn t manage on just one income o American family was considered white middle class o Minority was shut out of the American Family Dream
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