SC BIOL 460 - Cardiac Cycle and Electrical Activity of the Heart

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BIOL 460 1st Edition Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture I Valves a AV valves b Semilunar valves II Path of Blood in Heart III Cardiac Cycle Outline of Current Lecture I Cardiac Cycle Continued II Valve sounds III Electrical Activity of the Heart IV Electrical Activity of cells of SA node a Pacemaker potential Current Lecture Cardiac Cycle Continued 1 Phases a Before left ventricle can eject blood it has to open semi lunar valve in the aorta this means the pressure in the left ventricle has to be higher than the aorta i Blood pressure BP in aorta before VS is 80 mmHG ii First shaded part is isovolumetric contractions 1 Period of time a beginning of VS when the ventricles are not ejecting any blood the volume of ventricle isn t changing at all 2 Pressure in ventricle is enough to close bicuspid valve but not great enough to open aortic semi lunar valve all valves into and out of left ventricle are closed These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 3 When pressure in left ventricles gets above 80 pressure in left ventricle is greater than pressure in aorta which cause semi lunar valve to open allowing the ventricle to eject blood 4 This ejection phase left ventricle is greater than aorta opening semi lunar valve pressure begins to fall iii When pressure is less than 80 isovolumetric relaxation 1 Ventricles still in systole but begging to relax 2 Pressure in left ventricle is great enough to keep bicuspid valve closed but not high enough to open semi lunar valve because it is less than 80 3 Both valves closed 2 Valve sounds a Lub and Dub or Lup and dup b Lub is first valve sound caused by closing of AV valve i Creates noise ii For AV valves to close pressure in ventricle must be greater than pressure in atria iii Pressure in atria is very low so valves slam shut 1 After AS and before VS iv Only closing of valves makes noise not opening c Dub is the second valve sound caused by closing of semi lunar valve i close the second the pressure in the aorta is greater than the pressure in the ventricles ii To open valve pressure in ventricle must be higher than aorta but close is opposite iii Occurs moment aortic pressure is greater than ventricles iv At begging of isovolumetric relaxation 3 Electrical activity of the Heart a The sinoatrial node SA is the pacemaker of the heart b Located very near the entrance of the superior vena cave in the right atria c The SA node shows phenomenon of automaticity i Means cells of SA node spontaneously generate action potentials ii Automaticity rate of 100 ap per min iii This rate is constantly modified by autonomic motor system iv Sympathetic innervation increases parasympathetic decrease most of the time v Other region can show automaticity 1 These include AV node bundle branches perkinji fibers 2 Normally don t because SA node has faster inherent rate than other parts of the heart SA node generates AP depolarizing cells of listed structures before they can generate their own depolarization 3 Damage to heart scar tissue may block movement of AP in heart so other parts of heart can get AP from SA node so they generate their own AP 4 Called ectopic focus pacemaker vi Cells of SA node are modified cardiac myocytes muscle cells 1 Not neurons just muscle cells 2 Do not have many myofibrils so they contract very weakly with ap d Electrical Activity of cells of SA node i Graph in notes ii Typical neuron has resting potential 1 Cells of SA node do not have resting potential stable membrane potential 2 Slowly depolarizes from 60 to 40 at 40 we reach threshold and we generate action potential 3 Repeats it s self 8 s one cardiac cycle iii Cells of SA node show slow depolarization called pacemaker potential also called diastolic depolarization depolarization that occurs in diastole iv Action potential 1 repolarization caused by the opening of K gated channels Down slope K out of cell 2 Depolarization caused by calcium voltage gated channels when pacemaker potential depolarizes to 40 at that point Ca voltage gated channels open Ca rushes in causing depolarization a Ca that goes into cells binds to troponin C and causes cells to contract weakly v Pacemaker potential 1 Caused by unique kind of channel called the HcN channel Found in pacemaker cells in body in brainstem also generate spontaneous depolarization a HCN channels of SA node are called If channels i I E R Ohms law ii F stands for funny Read out was odd b Channels are similar to nicotinic channels they are permeable to both Na and K ions Like nicotininic channels this causes EPSP or depolarization c HCn stands for these are the things that can open the HCN channels i H hyper polarization designated the very end of repolarization as a hyperpolarization membrane potential becoming more and more negative 1 When HCn channels open Na goes in and K goes out but more Na in causes slow depolarization 2 Once threshold is reached Ca channels open and we get depolarization As pm gets more and more positive HCn channels close and by 40 Ca vg channels open ii Cn cyclic nucleotide 1 Open in response to a cyclic nucleotide 2 Comes from sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system Makes pacemaker potential more steep faster Sympathetic comes from adrenergic Beta 1 iii Norepinepherine binds to G protein linked recpetor B1 activates adenylate cyclase results in production of cyclicAMP That is cyclic AMP that opens HCn channels Causes it to depolarize faster d Parasympathetic receptors use muscurinic receptors Ach turns on g protein which opens separate K channel more K leaves cell than usual effect of IPSP i When IPSP and pacemaker potential slope of pacemaker potential is decreased more flat

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SC BIOL 460 - Cardiac Cycle and Electrical Activity of the Heart

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