TAMU BICH 410 - Hb and Carbohydrates
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F BICH 410 1st Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture Hemoglobin Allosteric Effectors Outline of Current Lecture Abnormal Hb mutations disrupt tertiary and quaternary structure which can destabilize Hb to extent of lysing causing hemolytic anemia favor of oxidation state at extremes causes cyanosis Sickle cell anemia val in place of glu in Beta subunit o Deoxy HbS occurs when Val binds in hydrophobic pocket on another Hb and insoluble filaments o oxyHb filaments dissolve upon O2 so no fibers present in arterial blood Sickle cell and Fetal Hb o Homozygotes HbS show only mild anemia because express high fetal Hb o Hydroxyurea produces Hb fetal o Hb heterozygotes resistant to malaria o Infected erythrocytes adhere to capillary walls death by impedeing blood glow o Parasitic protozoans decrease pH by 0 4 favoring deoxyHb form allowing spleen to remove Carbohydrates most abundant bio molec o Composed of C O H CH20 N N 3 o Monosaccharide polysaccharide o Ending in ose I scarb o Aldoses carbon 1 always aldehyde o Ketose ketone always at C2 Enantiomer mirror image Diastereomers not mirror images ie d ribose d xylose D sugars most prevalent Epimer diastereomers that differ around 1C Have to know structure of D glyceraldehyde d erythrose d ribose d glucose d xylose dmannose d galatose Ketose need to know dihydroxyacetone d ribulose d xyulose d fructose d eruthose Aldehyde will always have 1 more chiral center than ketone Know which are 3 4 5 Erythrose and d ribose and corresponding ketosugars d erythrulose and d ribulose all have start OH to right D xylose and D xylulose are corresponding C3 epimers of D ribose and D ribulose Cyclic carbs alcohols react with carbonyl groups of aldehydes to from hemiacetal These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Alcohol react w carbonyl groups of ketones to form hemiketal Anomer carbon new stereocenter resulting from cyclic formation Monosacch exist almost entirely as 6 membered ring Anomer differs only in configuration around anomer C 2 anomers can freely interconvert in soln mutarotation o 33 alpha Anomer OH face down o 66 beta anomer OH face up o 33 linear Use Haworth projections Be able to make pyranose and furanose forms

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TAMU BICH 410 - Hb and Carbohydrates

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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