BIOL 460 1nd Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Pituitary Gland a Embryology b Hormones i Adenohypophysis ii Neurohypophysis II Adrenal Gland Outline of Current Lecture I Adrenal Gland End of Exam Two Material a Three regions II Thyroid Gland begins Exam Three Material a Composition b Hormones i T3 ii T34 c Diseases Current Lecture Adrenal Gland 1 Cortex corticosteroids a Formed from mesoderm b 3 regions each secrete specific hormone with some overlap i Zona glomerulosa 1 Mineralocorticoids electrolyte balance 2 Secretes aldosterone a Causes kidneys to reabsorb sodium ions b Excrete K into filtrate c Increases blood volume These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute d Triggers for secretions i High potassium hyperkalemia ii Renin angiotensin aldosterone system 1 Renin released due to low blood pressure 2 Causes angiotensin released vasoconstriction 3 Angiotensin causes adrenal cortex to secrete aldosterone ii Zona fasciculate 1 Glucocorticoids glucose metabolism 2 Secretes cortisol 3 Response of ACTH release 4 Causes body to conserve glucose a Inhibits cells form using glucose b Triggers gluconeogenesis produce glucose from novel sources c Lipolysis 5 Suppress immune response 6 Too much cortisol hyperglycemia 7 Norepinephrine epinephrine act on receptors in live r alpha 2 a Raise glycogenolysis short term response b Also deal with long term stress c General adaptation syndrome GAS i Alarm activate adrenal glands ii Resistance body adjusts to stress glucocorticoids released in response to ACTH iii Exhaustion illness or death iv Causes hypertrophy of adrenal cortex and lymphoid tissue atrophy v Stress stimulates pituitary adrenal axis vi Keeps immune system in check iii Zona retiuclaris 1 Secretes small amounts of weak androgens sex steroids END of Material for Exam Two Exam Three Material 1 Thyroid Gland a Largest pure endocrine gland b Composed of thyroid follicles c Colloid is suspension of proteins in middle from which thyroid hormones are produced d Parafollicular cells produce calcitonin regulate Ca in blood i Lowers amount of Ca in blood ii Causes kidney to excrete more Ca in urine iii Inhibits osteoclasts from degrading bone matrix e Thyroid colloid i Suspension of proteins in fluid of thyroid follicles ii Most important protein is thyroglobulin iii Figure 11 23 1 Plasma iodide taken up by thyroid follicle cells 2 Enters colloid 3 Combines with tyrosine residues of thyroglobulin 4 Produces monoiodotyrosin MIT and diiodotyrosine DIT 5 MIT DIT triiodothyronine 6 DIT DIT tetraiodothronine thyroxin 7 T3 and T4 still bound to thyroglobulin 8 TSH stimulates movement of T3 and T4 and release into bloodstream iv Thyroid hormones have genomic action 1 Promote protein synthesis 2 Promote maturation of nervous tissue 3 Regulate metabolism a Basal metabolic rate BAR rate at which cells use calories when resting b Hypothyroidism less thryroid hormone than there should be c Hyperthyroidism more thyroid hormone than there should be v Endemic Goiter 1 Iodine deficiency 2 Figure 11 25 3 Cant make T3 or T4 4 No negative feedback TSH still being released causes hypertrophy of thyroid gland 5 Also exhibit hypothyroid symptoms vi Hyperthyroidism 1 Inflamed thyroid gland causes some 2 Mostly caused by grave s disease 3 Autoimmune disease 4 Exposed to pathogen antibodies produced 5 Antibodies adhere to cells of thyroid follicles autoantibody have TSH life effects 6 Negative feedback loop turns off release of TSH but the antibodies still cause the effects 7 Enormous amounts of T3 and T4 hypertrophy of thyroid vii Symptom of hypothyroidism myxedema buildup of fluid and mucoproteins in connective tissues under skin 1 No TSH 2 Not TSH RH 3 No T3 and T4 viii Cretinism hypothyroidism in children
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