TAMU ANSC 210 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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BIOM 121 Edition 1nd Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 12 Lecture 1 What are companion animals Companion animals are animals that people keep for company they are pets The literal meaning of companion is something you share bread or something you feed What are some benefits of pet ownership Some benefits are cardiovascular health stress relief exercise mental and physical stimulation friendship security and pest control What was the order of domestication for companion animals and what is domestication Why did people domesticate animals initially Domestication is when humans control animals Dogs were domesticated first then horses then cats Animals were initially domesticated for work purposes What do the numbers of pet ownership look like Pet ownership is increasing with cat ownership increasing faster than dog ownership Smaller animals such as rodents and reptiles are increasing as well because they require less room Overall pet ownership is increasing What is pet ownership per country and per state look like US has the highest ratio of animals to human France is second and Australia is third California is the top state Texas is second and Florida is third Why are purebred dog breeds sought out When you know what breed a dog is you can determine the growth size nutritional needs disease susceptibility cost of ownership and behavior for their dog Lecture 2 What does AKC do AKC stands for American Kennel Club The AKC holds dog breed competitions they do not set the standards for dog breeds AKC only takes the registration for dog breeds What are the 7 different dog breed groups and what are the traits associated with those groups Sporting group these dogs hunt birds They are highly athletic and have a high energy level They are very personable and very trainable Hounds these dogs hunt four legged animals There are two types sight and scent They are laid back dogs and can be lazy Terrier these dogs are known for hunting vermin They enjoy digging They are usually small dogs Working these dogs pull sleds and are guard dogs Toy these dogs are lab dogs Non sporting this is a diverse category with dogs ranging from Dalmatians Poodles and Chow Chows Herding these are the most athletic dogs they are work driven and lover herding livestock What are the top ten most popular dog breeds have a mental picture of them in your head i e coat length size group Labrador retriever sporting 21 23 inches tall at withers Short coat 60 to 75 lbs Comes in three different colors German Shepherd Dog herding 75 85 pounds Double layer coat Golden retriever sporting 20 24 lbs 55 80 inches tall Long hair Beagle hound 13 16 inches 20 to 25 lbs Long eared dog and short hair Bulldog nonsporting 18 22 inches 40 50 lbs brachecephalic Yorkshire terrier toy 6 7 inches 7 pounds Long hair needs a lot of grooming Boxer working 21 25 inches 55 70 lbs Poodle working three sizes of poodles Rottweiler working 22 27 inches 75 90 lbs heavily muscled dog Dachshund herding two sizes 3 coat types smooth wired long Lecture 3 How do you get a breed recognized by the AKC You have to form a breed group and set a breed standard You then have to have a large enough population What is the UKC and what do the focus on about a dog The UKC is the United Kingdom Club and they focus on the whole dog its heritage function and appearance of the dog What are some names for mixed breed dogs what is the club for these mixed dogs Mutt mongrel cur The American Canine Hybrid Club honors mixed breed dogs and lies that the genetic diversity of the mixed breeds cancels out a lot of genetic diseases that have developed in purebred dogs Lecture 4 How good are the AKC papers on a dog AKC papers are only as good as your dog If you have a poor dog your papers are not worth a lot How is a new breed created A new breed is created through generations of planned breeding in order to create a new breed You have to always breed towards a standard Why are AKC competitions good for pets and their humans how do you win AKC competitions create bonds between pets and owners A strong bond leads to a dog that is more obedient To win a championship you have to have 15 points and 2 majors All of the points and all of the majors must be determined by different judges Lecture 5 What are the rules for showing a dog at an AKC competition The dog must be at least 6 months old and non altered not spayed or neutered The dog must be AKC registered and it must also meet the breed standards What does AB O and JSHW mean AB all breed O obedience JSHW junior showmanship What is the difference between obedience shows and rally In obedience shows owners cannot talk to their dogs or correct them What are the ten performance categories for AKC competitions Obedience Rally Agility Earthdog Field hunting Gun dog Herding Lure coursing Coonhound trials and Tracking What are the advantages to cats They are usually smaller than dogs cheaper than dogs and cleaner than dogs What are the top two most popular cat breeds Domestic Short Hair and Domestic Long Hair mutts of the cat world What is the AKC equivalent for cats Cat Fanciers Association Lecture 6 What are pocket pets Pocket pets are small pets i e they can fit in your pocket They are small and inexpensive usually easy to care for and usually apartments do not have restrictions on these animals Name some characteristics of mice Can live 2 3 years Hey are used in laboratory research Pick them up by the tail They eat everything and are omnivores Name some characteristics of rats Rats live 2 3 years Used in biomedical research Pick up by the body they are docile Eat everything as well Name some characteristics of gerbils Like seed and grain They are from Mongolia Name some characteristics of Guinea pigs These animals can squeak and they do not always sleep during the day They can grow up to 2 lbs must supply them with calcium Herbivores Name some characteristics of chinchillas They are raised for their dense fur They clean themselves through daily dust baths They are clean and odorless and can live up to 10 years Lecture 7 Name some characteristics of rabbits There is a huge number of coat sizes and lengths They are herbivores and ingest night feces for nutrients They can be trained You must hold both the front and hind legs when handling a rabbit because they can break their bones if you do not When they are mad they can stomp their feet growl scratch and spray urine What are some characteristics of ferrets Ferrets are carnivores and are

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TAMU ANSC 210 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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