ECU RELI 1000 - Different Religions

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RELI 1000 Lecture 6 Current Lecture Expressions of the Sacred the Divine The sacred is expressed in a variety of ways Animism Polytheism Dualism Pantheism Monism Monotheism Panentheism etc Animism The belief in the existence of souls spirits Edward Tylor Spirits are associated with the sun the sky the earth the waters plants and animals E g Prehistoric humans Indigenous religions described as animistic Neanderthals Cro Magnon dating 100 000 50 000 practiced bear cult revered cave bears Undamaged heads of cave bears were found on altar like stone chest in the caves they inhabited early sanctuaries shrines Caves were adorned with weapons and pictures of game animals Evidence of magical practices Polytheism Worship of many gods E g Common amongst Neolithic humans dates between 7000 3000 Mainly agriculturalist s and also worshipped the sun the sky and the earth Indigenous religions African Native American Australian Aboriginals Greek Egyptian Early Indo European groups etc Hinduism Polytheism Attributes of gods Sky God High God Often the Supreme God Creator God dwells in the sky fertilizes the world gives life giving rain Earth goddess Considered the Great Goddess the Great Mother She is associated with the earth and life giving fertility Evidence of her worship in Mesopotamia Egypt Greek The Sky God and the earth Goddess often viewed as complementary cosmic forces represent cosmic fertility necessary for health and harmony in the universe Other Examples Greek religion Zeus Sky God is sky itself Ruler the father the head of Greek pantheon of gods Associated with rain hurls lightening and thunderbolts He is the god of agriculture hearth and household city state and of purification Demeter Earth Mother Egyptian Religion These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Isis Most important Egyptian goddess She was revered as the divine mother and is often depicted as nursing her son Horus symbolic of Motherhood In Mesopotamia o Goddess Ishtar Syria o Goddess Astarte Isis Isis was worshiped throughout the Greco Roman world Goddess Ishtar Mesopotamia Goddess Demeter Demeter is the goddess of the harvest who presided over grains and the fertility of the earth Venus of Laussel was discovered in a rock shelter in the Dordogne in France Hinduism The sacred is Brahman the eternal spirit soul that pervades everything including humans Brahman in humans is Atman Brahman manifests as three Hindu gods Brahma God the creator Vishnu God the preserver Shiva God the destroyer These Gods have consorts Uma wife of Siva Parvat consort of Siva Kali Durga goddess expression of terror destruction Brahma Brahma is the senior member of the triad of great gods which also includes Vishnu and Shiva The creator of the universe Brahma felt alone inadequate longed for company He split himself created the goddess Shatarupa then everything else Lord Siva One member of the Holy Trinity of Hinduism Often depicted as the destroyer Appear as a naked ascetic accompanied by demons encircled with serpents and necklaces of skulls Vishnu Vishnu is the preserver of the universe Constantly participates in worldly affairs to ensure that all is well When order prevails in the universe Vishnu sleeps When there is disorder Vishnu either mounts his vehicle Garuda battles with the forces of chaos or he sends one of his Avatars or incarnations to save the world

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ECU RELI 1000 - Different Religions

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