TAMU BIOL 320 - Respiratory System
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BIOL 320 1 st Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I Humoral Immune Response II Acquired Immunity III Basic Antibody Structure IV Antibody Defense Mechanisms V Monoclonal Antibodies VI Cell Mediated Immunity VII Helper T Cell Activation VIII Homeostatic Imbalance IX Hodgkin s Disease X Acute Allergic Response XI Hypersensitivities XII Developmental Aspects Outline of Current Lecture XIII Respiratory System XIV Nose XV Nasal Cavity XVI Paranasal Sinuses XVII Pharynx XVIII Larynx XIX Trachea XX Bronchi Bronchioles Current Lecture Respiratory System Function to supply tissues with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide Respiration Collective Processes 1 Pulmonary ventilation move air in out of lungs 2 External respiration gas exchange between lungs and blood 3 Gas transport moving gas from lungs to tissues carried by blood 4 Internal respiration gas exchange between blood and target tissues Respiratory Zone parts of the lungs close to the alveoli bronchioles alveolar ducts and alveoli Conducting Zone rigid conduits through which air moves all other respiratory structures Nose Functions 1 Filter clean air 2 Smell 3 Provide an airway 4 Warm moisten air 5 Resonating chamber for speech Regions External everything outside the nostrils Internal nasal cavity Nasal Cavity Vibrissae nose hair present in first portion of nasal cavity Boundaries o Roof ethmoid sphenoid o Floor palatine palate maxilla Conchae protrude medially function to increase surface area Mucosal Linings o Olfactory mucosa contains olfactory receptors located on superior nasal concha o Respiratory mucosa rest of nasal cavity contains mucous glands lysozymes defensins against bacteria located on medially nasal concha inferior nasal concha when irritated results in sneezing Functions of Conchae Mucosa o Inhale warm moisten clean o Exhale reclaim heat moisture Paranasal Sinuses Description spaces in bones surrounding nasal cavity Bones sphenoid ethmoid frontal maxillary Functions 1 Warm moisten air 2 Lighten skull Headache o Drainage blocked air absorbed by bones creating a vacuum effect Pharynx Description tube of skeletal muscle Connects nasal cavity mouth to larynx esophagus Nasopharynx air carrier pseudostratified columnar epithelium uvula palate seals off nasopharynx when swallowing pharyngeal tonsils auditory pharyngeotympanic tubes present Oropharynx air food carrier stratified squamous epithelium protection lingual palatine tonsils Laryngopharynx air food carrier Larynx voice box Connects laryngeopharynx to trachea connected to hyoid bone Functions 1 Maintains open airway 2 Switching mechanism for food air 3 Voice production Construction o Type hyaline cartilage o TC thyroid cartilage Adam s apple o CC cricoid cartilage o Arytenoid cartilage o Cuneiform cartilage o Corniculate cartilage Epiglottis elastic cartilage Trachea Three Layers o Mucosa pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium goblet cells produce mucous o Submucosa connective tissue o Adventitia includes trachea cartilage Trachealis tightens to constrict trachea increases force of cough Posterior Surface soft at back to allow expansion of esophagus Tracheotomy form an opening in the trachea to allow airflow Bronchi Bronchioles Carina most inferior ring of cartilage of the trachea last tracheal cartilage highly embedded with neurons if particle touches it cough Primary Bronchi where first branching occurs Secondary Bronchi where second branching occurs Tertiary Bronchi where third branching occurs 23 orders of branching Bronchioles cuboidal epithelial tissue complete smooth muscle no cartilage As branching increases the amount of cartilage decreases while smooth muscle increases psuedostratified columnar epithelium cuboidal epithelium

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TAMU BIOL 320 - Respiratory System

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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