UNC-Chapel Hill GEOG 111 - Greehouse Effect

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GEOG 111 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Heat transfer a Sensible heat flux b Latent heat flux Outline of Current Lecture I Energy Imbalances and Energy Transfer II Greenhouse effect a The Carbon Cycle Current Lecture I Energy Imbalances and Energy Transfer a Horizontal on a global scale i Why is Q greater in the Southern Hemisphere summer as compared to the Northern Hemisphere summer don t need to know for the test ii What mechanisms act to transfer heat from low to high latitudes Wind and ocean currents b Vertical i Most shortwave radiation gets through the atmosphere and reaches the surface ii Surface is generally warmer than the atmosphere 1 Since heat moves from warmer to cooler the surface is often responsible for heating up the atmosphere iii Convection is responsible for the sensible heat flux but the latent heat flux is three times greater and is due to all of the water on Earth s surface iv What happens at night when the ground is colder than the atmosphere More longwave radiation going out than coming in Q is negative over surfaces on clear nights Once the air is saturated condensation occurs releasing heat II The Greenhouse Effect a Some of the infrared radiation emitted from the surface passes through the atmosphere and some is absorbed and re emitted in all directions by greenhouse gas molecules i This warms the Earth s surface and cools the atmosphere These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute b Greenhouse gases i CO2 from burning fossil fuels ii Methane from rice paddies cattle flatulence concentration is much lower than CO2 iii H2O from oceans iv Ozone from burning fossil fuels is a pollutant c The Carbon Cycle i Concerns combustion of fossil fuels oil and natural gases and deforestation ii Carbon dioxide sources volcanism weathering and erosion respiration burning decay of plants evaporation from ocean iii Oceans act as sinks for CO2 net movement of CO2 from atmosphere to oceans over time iv Many of the rocks today were once fossilized in the ocean and then reexposed to the atmosphere as limestone v CO2 concentrations are increasing on an annual basis 1 Minimum in October peak in late April 2 Has to do with the growing season in the spring 3 Photosynthesis reduces the amount of carbon in the atmosphere

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UNC-Chapel Hill GEOG 111 - Greehouse Effect

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