GSU PSYC 1101 - Psych 1101 Exam Review

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Psych 1101 Exam Review Chapters 1 4 Having a problem with PsychPortal Call Technical Support 800 936 6899 Temporary Access Code for PsychPortal 7nh ghm ct4mznb6 Need to know prominent figures in the early years and milestones associated with them Wundt 1879 founded the first laboratory of Psychology at the University of Ceipzig first landmark Titchener Wundt s student came up with structuralism Sigmund Freud psychoanalytic theory Unconscious mental processes shape feelings thoughts and behaviors It s not external environment but unconscious that determine our James functionalism focuses on how behaviors and mental processes function to allow people and animals to adapt to their environment Know the differences between psychologists and psychiatrists Psychiatrists prescribes medicine and at times psychotherapy Know the differences between basic and applied research basic research research that is done simply to increase our scientific knowledge base applied research does seek to solve practical problems ex drug studies Need to be familiar with the 3 main analysis in psychology biological components natural selection of adaptive traits genetic predispositions responding to environment brain mechanisms hormonal influences psychological components learned fears and other learned expectations emotional responses cognitive processing and perceptual interpretations social cultural components presence of others cultural societal and family expectations peer and other group influences compelling models such as in the media Be familiar with concept of hindsight bias overconfidence hindsight bias I knew it all along phenomenon refers to tendency to overestimate or exaggerate what reasonably could be anticipated or predicted only after learning the outcomes overconfidence tendency of believing we know more than we know Differentiate some of the major research methods experiments naturalistic observations observing and recording behavior as it occurs in its natural setting case study examines 1 individual or social unit in depth in the hope that the findings can be generalized Should know the main idea behind those approaches Familiarize yourself with other concepts involved in research what a population is group of interest findings are generalized to this group what a sample is selected segment of the population why we pull a sample from a population sampling methods Be familiar with the different groups in an experiment control group group does not receives treatment experimental group receives treatment independent variables in an experimental design is manipulated It is the variable whose effect is being studied ex drug dependent variables the variable that is being measured ex depression confounding variables factors other than the independent variable that might produce an effect anything else that has effect on results ex therapy noise Know the definition of and how to derived calculate measures of central tendency mean mathematical average of distribution median middle score of a distribution mode the most frequently occurring score in a distribution Major structures of neurons soma or cell body contains nucleus axon the axonal fibers transmit that information along to other neurons dendrites receives messages the dendrite branching fibers receive information from sensory receptors or other neurons Remember the space between the synaptic cleft syntactic cleft space between the buttons on the axon terminals and the neuron muscle Which parts of the neuron conducts electrical signal travels from the neuron down the axon to the dendrite Health and medical conditions degeneration of the myelin sheath multiple sclerosis Know serotonin involved in mood sleep hunger undersupply depression dopamine involved in movement attention emotion oversupply schizophrenia undersupply tremors acetylcholine muscle movement memory and learning alzheimers gamma amino butyric acid GABA primary inhibitory neurotransmitter keeps things calm undersupply seizures tremors insomnia norepinephrine alertness arousal undersupply depression Which diagnosis is shown to be related to dopamine Schizophrenia Know the results of too much too little of neurotransmitter Reuptake or enzymatic degradation if neurotransmitter is in synaptic cleft Reuptake the process in which excess neurotransmitter molecules in the synaptic cleft are reabsorbed in the transmitting neuron Enzymatic degradation the excess neurotransmitters are destroyed by enzymes major divisions of nervous system central and peripheral somatic autonomic sympathetic parasympathetic central nervous system the brain and the spinal cord form the CNS peripheral nervous system links the central nervous system with the rest of the body sense receptors muscles and glands the axons carrying the PNS information are bundled into the electrical cables i e nerves the somatic nervous system somatic branch enables voluntary control over our skeletal muscles autonomic nervous system a dual self regulating system that influences the glands and muscles of our internal organs such as our heart autonomic nervous system is broken down sympathetic nervous system arouses parasympathetic nervous system calms parts of the brain corpus callosum fiber that allows the two hemispheres to communicate connects 2 hemispheres Limbic System Limbic system is primarily linked to memory emotions and drives hippocampus memory functions proceeded conscious memory helps transfer information from short term to long term storage hypothalamus associated with the maintenance of various bodily functions it s hormones influence the pituitary gland and thus it provides a major link between the nervous and endocrine systems amygdala influences aggression and fear controls our fight or flight response brainstem oldest and innermost region is responsible for automatic survival functions It includes medulla controls heartbeat and breathing reticular formation plays an important role in controlling arousal pons located just above the medulla help coordinate movement thalamus relay center determines what needs to happen next receives info from all the senses except smell and sends it to the higher regions for processing cerebellum coordinates movement output and balance and helps process sensory info It is also involved in nonverbal learning and memory Cerebral Cortex 1 Frontal Lobes body movements motor cortex decision making planning speech production 2 Temporal Lobes hearing language comprehension 3

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