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Psych 1101 FINAL EXAM REVIEW Final starts at 10 45 AM to 1 15 PM Cumulative same format study previous review session notes 1 Know the definition of SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY social psychology scientifically studies how 1 we think about 2 influence 3 and relate to one another 2 attribution theory we tend to give a casual explanation for someone s behavior explains people s behavior in terms of internal dispositions or in terms of the external situation ex a teacher may explain a child s hostility in terms of an aggressive personality or as a reaction to stress or abuse The fundamental attribution error tendency to overestimate personality influences and to underestimate situational ex blame the poor and the unemployed for their own misfortune 3 know the definitions of the chameleon effect social loafing The Chameleon Effect our natural tendency to mimic others when people unintentionally mimic other people s behavior facial expressions body positions etc related to AMYGDALA Social Loafing when people pool their efforts toward a group goal social loafing may occur as individuals exert less effort conformity adjusting our behavior or thinking toward some group standard Under certain conditions people will conform to a group s judgment even when it is clearly incorrect eg Cults Jonestown 1978 918 deaths normative social influence we are sensitive to social norms and so we sometimes conform to gain social approval informational social influence we accept information about reality provided by the group Obedience Studies Stanley Milgram people are willing to conform to authorities or experimenters to tell them what to do Minority influence a minority that consistently holds to its position can sway the majority 4 know the difference between prejudice and discrimination prejudice a mixture of beliefs often overgeneralized and called stereotypes emotions hostility envy or fear and predispositions to action to discriminate prejudice is a negative attitude discrimination is a negative behavior 5 in groups and out groups specifically how people tend to perceive people in their in group and others in their out group through our social identities we also associate ourselves with some groups and contrast ourselves with others Mentally drawing a circle that defines us in group also excludes them out group such groups identifications promote an ingroup bias a favoring of one s own group 6 bystander effect more of it being less likely for someone to help someone with there being more individuals around example if you see someone getting bullied on campus you would be more likely to help when no one was around as opposed to a huge amount of people being there because you think someone else will do it so you won t have to 7 making psychologically diagnosis and some problems with placing a diagnostic label on an individual Critics point out that labels can create preconceptions that bias our perceptions of people s past and present behavior and unfairly stigmatize these individuals Labels can also serve as self fulfilling prophecies However diagnostic labels help not only to describe a psychological disorder but also to enable mental health professionals to communicate about their cases to comprehend the underlying causes and to discern effective treatment programs 8 identify some of the major symptoms associated with various psychological disorders panic disorders social phobias generalized anxiety disorder major depressive disorder bipolar disorder eating disorder Panic disorders an anxiety disorder in which the anxiety suddenly escalates at times into a terrifying panic attack a minutes long episode of intense dread in which a person experiences terror and accompanying heart palpitations choking or other frightening sensations Social phobias an intense fear of being scrutinized by others is shyness taken to an extreme The anxious person may avoid speaking up eating out or going to parties generalized anxiety disorder characterized as being continually tense apprehensive and in a state of autonomic nervous system arousal major depressive disorder at least five signs of depression last 2 more weeks and are not caused by drugs or a medical condition Symptoms may include sadness lethargy crying spells feelings of worthlessness irritability sleep appetite disturbance loss of interest in family friends and activities suicidal ideation bipolar disorder episodes of depression AND mania formerly known as manic depression eating disorder Anorexia Nervosa eating disorder in which a normal weight person usually an adolescent female diets to become significantly 15 or more underweight yet feels overweight and is obsessed with losing weight Bulimia Nervosa an eating disorder characterized by private binge purge episodes of overeating followed by vomiting laxative use fasting or excessive exercise normally appear normal weight Binge Eating Disorder marked by significant episodes of binge eating followed by remorse but no purging fasting or excessive exercise Dissociative Disorders a person appears to experience a sudden loss of memory or change in identity often in response to an overwhelmingly stressful situation o May have no memory of identity or family Dissociation itself is not uncommon Dissociative Identity Disorder DID a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities with the original personality typically denying awareness of the others Schizophrenia is a group of severe disorders characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking disturbed perceptions and inappropriate emotions and actions o o Delusions false beliefs often of persecution being followed of someone is attempting to persecute them or grandeur e g believe they are Jesus Christ Hallucinations sensory experiences without sensory stimulation usually auditory and often take the form of voices 9 specific neurotransmitters associated with various disorders low levels of serotonin associated with depression dopamine associated with schizophrenia Finally certain neurotransmitters including norepinephrine and serotonin seem to be scarce during depression Researchers have linked certain forms of schizophrenia with brain abnormalities such as increased receptors for the neurotransmitter dopamine 10 3 clusters of personality disorder Cluster A B and C each cluster has common element and theme Cluster A Odd or Eccentric o Paranoid o Schizoid not interested in relationships typically o Schizotypal believe they are clairvoyant Cluster B

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