GEOG 111 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture n a Outline of Current Lecture I Background developing a forecast II Elements of a forecast Current Lecture I II Background developing a forecast a Forecasters utilize 3 resources in making a forecast i Weather models computers that use physics to simulate atmospheric conditions of the future ii Climatologies tell what conditions you would normally expect 1 Usually a good starting point for weather forecasters and may indicate that a weather model needs to be tuned iii Forecaster knowledge something to keep in mind when reading forecasts 1 Pattern recognition experienced forecasters in an area can recognize patterns and question models Elements of a forecast a Temperature i High maximum temperature during daylight hours mid late afternoon ii Low minimum temperature typically 5 8 in the morning while the sun is rising iii Heat index provides a measure of what it actually feels like outside by accounting for the humidity b Precipitation i Probability of precipitation chances of measurable 100th of an inch precipitation at a given point ii Wording within a forecast 20 slight chance 30 50 chance 60 90 likely 100 definitely iii Amounts of precipitation 0 10 min to 1 00 2 00 max c Weather types i Listed in terms of increasing intensity light rain rain rain may be heavy at times 1 rain ii Showers alternating between precipitation and no precipitation These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Most common in the summer iii Thunderstorms accompanied by strong winds and evident thunder d Wind i Wind speed 1 Taken in open areas commonly around an airport where buildings trees etc can t slow the wind down ii Wind direction the direction the winds are blowing from
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