UA JN 311 - Final Exam Study Guide
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JN 311 1nd Edition Final Exam Study Guide Lectures 11 20 CLEARY ACT 1990 congressed signed Lehigh girl got murdered in her dorm Requires any federal institution must published any crime that happen on campus if they don t institution risk loosing federal funding if they don t do this Buckley Amendment Clashes with the Cleary ACT Know the difference between Burglary and Robbery Burglary Breaking into a home to steal something Robbery Confronts you and threatens to steal your cell phone If you don t he threatens to punch you How do you Plea Criminal Civil Difference Between Elected Will give Opinion because they are speaking to the public Hired 9 5 paycheck Will give no opinion Appointed answer to public and city council Work from the bottom and work your way up To get a less controlled message Advance stories must have WWWW H and what will be decided at the meeting AP style about millions will be shortened Ex 14 5 Million not 14 586 000 Fiscal Year monetary year First amendment protects Freedom of Religion speech assemble Press Expression What does the first amendment about mean Zeran vs AOL What is actual Malice Knowledge that the information was false Making corrections after printing something false will not help you you will still get sued Absolute Privilege Government officials Qualified Privilege Media officials journalist and PR professionals Right to Privacy Using likenesses without permission Using copyrighted content Public vs Private property DO you have to say something is copyright protected to say it is copy right protected No as soon as it is published it is protected 96 use every day 42 struggle to working without it 30 use it for 2 hours a day Increasing use of social media Which social media outlet is better for breaking news twitter or Facebook TWITTER Researchers found two qualities emotional and positive increased the likelihood people would share the post Website traffic is highest during the work day Highest time of day for sharing is in the evening The workweek has the highest site traffic Highest amount of sharing is during the weekends Driven by the 3 c s Clear Concise Conversational Elements of a Broadcast Package Interviews Natural sound B roll video footage Reporters Track The reporter s standup Anchor Throw lead in and the wrap up optional Cops Courts Should we use the word allegedly Why or why not It doesn t protect you so No do not use it Who is Richard Jewell Olympics 1996 security guard that saved people but he was innocent He sued many media outlets for libel What is the Clery Act Named after a girl who was murdered in her dorm room Provides everyone information about crimes that occur on public funded universities Reports covering the cops beat can find information from a variety of sources police report arrest age weight race gender home address While discussing the courts beat we talked about two different types of cases One was criminal Civil lawsuits Guest Talks Who is Jayson Blair why is he relevant NY times journalist plagiarized and made up interviews Got fired Rick Bragg offered one simple rule in writing about disasters Why Put a face on it It makes it personal Dr Roberts discussed the W s and It six points journalists should take into account in an ethics situation What s your problem Why not follow the rules Who wins who loses What s it worth Who s whispering in your ear How s your decision going to look How did Dr Roberts define values Concepts and beliefs that transcend individual situations What is the difference between law and ethics according to Dr Roberts Ethics is what we should and should not do Law is what we have to do PR Broadcast What type of lead works best for a news release Straight hard news lead Because journalist don t have time to read fluffy What information is included at the bottom of a news release Contact information Where should attribution go in broadcast stories They go up front Broadcast writing is driven by threes C s Clear Concise Conversational What method is considered the workhorse of the PR industry The News release Media Law Know invasion of privacy and trespassing What is the ultimate defense against libel Truth This landmark Supreme Court decision established the actual malice standard NY Times vs Sullivan What is Actual Malice Knowledge of falsity or recklessness of the truth What does FIOA stand for Freedom of Information Act Provides records from executive brand of the government Which amendment protects the freedom of the press 1st amendment Protects religion speech Etc Online News When time of day do readers most often share news stories using social media Night time during the week days weekends occurs when a news outlet uses GPS to provide consumers local advertising and news Geotargeting Design means that a news website will change its size depending on whether a reader is using a computer a smart phone or a tablet Responsive Design Name one good one bad consequence of paying reports based on the number of clicks their stories generate Fishing for clicks bad Competition to write more and better good In recent years news consumption declined in the U S False

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UA JN 311 - Final Exam Study Guide

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Pages: 7
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