UA NHM 101 - Diet and Health
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NHM 101 1nd Edition Lecture 30 Outline of Last Lecture I Dietary Supplements Outline of Current Lecture II Diet and Health Current Lecture Nutrition and Disease Nutrition cannot directly prevent or cure disease Good nutrition can strengthen the bodys defense Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases Modifiable o Diet o Physical activity o Smoking Non modifiable o Gender o Age o Race o Family history Cardiovascular Disease CVD o Major cause of death in the U S o Coronary heart disease Caused by atherosclerosis in coronary arteries Atherosclerosis is the accumulation of lipids and other materials in the arteries How can we determine our risk of CVD Monitor cholesterol triglyceride glucose blood pressure and weight These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Lower LDL cholesterol o Increase HDL cholesterol Monitor C reactive protein o Increases during inflammation o High levels increase risk for CVD What type of Diet contributes to CVD Atherogenic diet o Saturated fats o Trans fats o Cholesterol o Low in vegetables fruits and whole grains What can we recommend Cholesterol and blood pressure screening Lose weight if appropriate Lifestyle changes o Quit smoking o Physical activity o Healthier diet Increases fruits vegetable and whole grains Omega 3 Limit alcohol Limit saturated and trans fat Hypertension Affects 1 in 3 adults in the U S Contributes to heart attacks Risk factors o Increase in age o Family history o Obesity o Salt sensitivity o Alcohol What can we recommend Weight loss If appropriate Physical activity Reduce salt intake DASH diet o Rich in fruits vegetables low fat milk products whole grains nuts and low in fat Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 o o o Type 2 o o o Less common 5 10 pf cases Autoimmune disorder Typically diagnosed at a young age Most common 90 95 of cases Insulin resistance Highly associated with obesity Complications of Diabetes High blood glucose Blood vessels and nerves damaged o Infections o Amputations o Blindness or diminished vision DM Recommendations Monitor carbohydrate intake carbohydrates counting Choose whole grains glycemic index Reduce dietary fat Weight loss if type two Insulin injections if type one

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