JN 311 1nd Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Chapter 12 Outline of Current Lecture II Online News and Social Media Current Lecture The increasing presence of Social Media The general public May 05 8 May 12 67 May 13 72 Journalist 96 use every day 42 struggle to working without it 30 use it for 2 hours a day Increasing use of social media Final How are we using it Generating story ideas By watching what s trending new By asking for reader input Reporting Cultivating sources These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Sharing complete stories Sharing breaking news Which social media outlet is better for breaking news twitter or Facebook TWITTER FINAL Reporting with social media Recruit sources Find and verify information Cross reference Find people who know your targeted individual or organization Background Find information about an individual s social media use Trends See what s being talked about Time Capsule Capture moments Writing Effective Posts Informal and conversational Provide commentary and insight Invite people to participate What should the follow up be What is the readers take on the issue What content s most likely to be shared Funny cute and happy anger and disgust Researchers found two qualities emotional and positive increased the likelihood people would share the post FINAL Know your Readership Website traffic is highest during the work day FINAL Highest time of day for sharing is in the evening FINAL The workweek has the highest site traffic FINAL Highest amount of sharing is during the weekends FINAL 5 Ways to make everyone want to share your content 1 Use images 2 Think mobile Think Engagement 3 Design posts to be shared Not just read 4 Use a human touch 5 Know your tools be a social media scientist Personal considerations Personal versus professional Developing your personal brand
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