UA NHM 101 - Dietary Supplements
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NHM 101 1nd Edition Lecture 29 Outline of Last Lecture I Fitness Physical Activity and Nutrients Outline of Current Lecture II Dietary Supplements Current Lecture 24 billion spent each year on supplements 1 out of 3 individuals takes a MVI Many others take a specific vitamin mineral supplement Most individuals self prescribe supplements Reasons for Dietary Supplements Prevent or correct deficiencies o Nutrient deficiencies o Low calorie intake Reduce disease risks Individuals who omit certain foods Meet needs during life stages where needs are increased Arguments Against Dietary Supplements Toxicity Provide individuals with a false sense of security o Prevent or cure disease o Provide energy o Enhance athletic performance Marketing is often misleading Evidence is insufficient for most dietary supplements Regulation of Prescription Drugs FDAs center for drug evaluation and research CDER o Covers prescription and non prescription drugs Responsibility of drug company to submit evidence that drug is safe and effective These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute CDER reviews study data and proposed labeling Typically takes years from initial application to drug being on the shelf Regulation of Dietary Supplements Regulated by the FDA o Defined by the dietary supplement and health education act of 1994 What does DSHEA say o Labeling is required o Labels may make health claims but cannot be brand specific o Labels may claim to diagnose treat cure or relieve common symptoms bot not a disease o All must include FDA disclaimer This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration This product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease Take Home Point Supplements are LOOSELY regulated by the FDA Do require good manufacturing practices but are not tested FDA must prove that supplements poses a significant or unreasonable risk of illness of injury Choose the Right Supplement Look at the label Is it tested by a independent company to back up good manufacturing practices Is it safe Is it legal Is there evidence that prove its effectiveness Some Popular Supplements Caffeine Creatine MVI Vitamin C Complementary and Alternative Medicine Complementary o Treatment that is considered unconventional o Used along with conventional medicine o Insufficient evidence of purported effects Alternative o Treatment that is considered unconventional o Used IN PLACE of conventional medicine o Insufficient evidence of purported effects Nutrition as Complementary Alternative Therapy Vitamin Mineral supplements Herbal Remedies o Echinacea o Ginseng o Ginger o Gingko biloba o Yohimbe Herbal Precautions Plants are natural but may not be safe Purity Is it effective Variability of an herb Safe dosage

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