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Social Cognition Study Guide Methods and basic results of tasks measuring infant s sensitivity to others goals intentions preferences rational action Object reach study 6 mo babies are sensitive to goals Dumbbell intention study baby will imitate pulling apart an object because they think the person is trying to do that Food preference study 14 mo will try to give a person a cracker even if they say they don t like it 18 mo will give a person the food they prefer to have Rational Act Study 14 mo babies will turn on light with head if they see a person do that but will use hands if the other person s hands can t be used Cues infants use to detect other living things including task Blob Test baby will react to anything that seems alive or conscious Logic and various versions of the false belief task general ages of success failure Social Cognition Study Guide1 Theory of Mind and relationship to autism ToM thinking about people s thinking better with experience older siblings People with autism lack ToM Focus on literal facts rather than social cues triangle task Social Cognition Study Guide2Sally Anne Task 4 5 year olds failSmarties Task 3 year olds fail 4 5 year olds pass Perspective taking egocentrism Picture scale and 3D model errors general ages and main results Social Cognition Study Guide33 Mountain Task fail to think about other people s perspectives until 20 22 months oldEgocentrism focus on their own thoughts or perspective Pictures in book sitting on a tiny car Problem of Dual Representation Children can t understand that an object can be both an object and a representation Fail the Scale Model Task until 3 years old unless the kids believe the bigger model is shrunken down Children s drawings and understanding of intentions Social Cognition Study Guide4Scale Model Shrinking Room helps them understand the scale of objects 2 5 year olds succeed Kids will remember what they intended to draw symbolic thought Lollipop balloon example Imaginary companions and pretend play types benefits Imaginary Companions advanced ToM verbal skills Pretend Play 18 mo object substitution Advanced Pretense 30 mo sociodramatic play tea party Vygotsky s theory of social development Children construct their knowledge through social interaction Zone of Proximal Development is boosted through pretend play Social Cognition Study Guide5

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UMass Amherst PSYCH 350 - Social Cognition Study Guide

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