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Motor Dev Study Guide Name and describe examples of reflexes that are present at birth particularly ones mentioned in lecture survival reflexes obvious needs sucking swallowing rooting swallowing sweet liquid tries to swallow rooting stroke cheek tries to suck finger primitive reflexes no obvious needs moro tonic neck stepping grasping babinski swimming moro pretend to drop baby limbs stick out tonic neck turn babies head to one side extend that arm and retract the other stepping 2 months grasping stroke baby palm grasp tightly babinski stroke bottom of foot toes spread curl swimming baby in water short swimming motion Know examples supporting the role of culture experience in the achievement delay of motor milestones Motor Deprivation Hopi Orphans Tummy Time Motor Dev Study Guide1 Motor Enhancement Mali Kipsigis propped upright Motor Dev Study Guide2Hopi Swaddle infants on back for first year no delays Romanian Neglected in cribs significant but reversible delays Tummy time to reduce SIDS no difference by 18 months can lead to flat heads helmets Describe the developmental progression of reaching self locomotion Reaching 0 3 mo Prereaching movements Clumsy swiping 3 mo successful but poorly controlled Easier with legs than arms 7 mo successful and stable Sitting independently 10 mo anticipatory reaching Intention with the object Sticky Mitten Study Locomotion 8 months begin to crawl 13 months begin to walk Motor Dev Study Guide3Mali babies dangled don t crawl Active baby uses velcro on its own leads to coordinated reaching Dynamic Systems Theory supporting examples Dynamic Systems Theory development of complex behaviors should be understood in terms of a complex interaction of physical environmental and perceptual factors Main conclusion from studies with animals Baby Chicks maturation biological timetable Cats experience motor activity visual input How active vs passive experiences affects our motor development Active learn things through personal actions experience Cat study mittens study Passive waits for things to come to them How visual flow fields and how they support experience based theories of motor development important connection between vision and movement Motor Dev Study Guide4Stepping loss due to weight gain DSTNewborn imitation sticking tongue out Only active kids know they can t cross the visual cliff Motor Dev Study Guide5Kids fall back when walls move back they have experience with crawling Babies realize how they impact visual flow

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UMass Amherst PSYCH 350 - Motor Dev. Study Guide

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