Perception Leftovers perceptual narrowing examples auditory perception general results related to music perception rhythm matching Synesthesia cross modal aka intermodal perception methods and results Motor name and describe examples of reflexes that are present at birth particularly ones mentioned in lecture know examples supporting the role of culture and experience in the achievement delay of motor milestones Describe the developmental progression of reaching and self locomotion dynamic systems theory and supporting examples main conclusion from studies with animals e g baby chicks cats how active vs passive experience affects motor development visual flow fields and how they support experience based theories of motor development and the important connection between vision and movement Learning Memory definitions and examples for each type of learning ability habituation classical operant statistical observational know examples of how our nature makes some things easier harder to learn infantile amnesia and possible explanations Cognition object permanance tasks including the A not B task general results at different ages with different methods e g reaching vs looking time Piagetian learning mechanisms accomodation assimilation equilibration logic and main findings of studies testing infants sensitivity to physical principles e g solidity etc infants understanding of object support relationships know the developmental progression infants numerical abilities development of counting abilities in children performance on object liquid conservation tasks what cross cultural studies of number understanding tell us different theories of cognitive devlopment e g Piaget s stage theory core knowledge others in text Social Cognition Symbols methods and basic results of tasks measuring infants sensitivity to other s goals intentions preferences rational action cues infants use to detect other living things including task logic and various versions of the false belief task General ages of success failure theory of mind and the relationship to autism perspective taking egocentrism picture scale and 3D model errors general ages and main results problem of Dual Representation children s drawings and understanding of intentions imaginary companions and pretend play types and benefits Vygotsky s theory of social development Language definitions examples of morphemes phonemes syntax semantics developmental patterns of infant phoneme perception methods and findings problem of reference e g Quine s gavagai problem know the different constraints biases on word learning mutual exclusivity shape bias syntactic bootstrapping etc be comfortable naming examples examples of how the social context can influence different aspects of language development e g word learning prosody examples and research findings over regularization evidence for a language critical period brain lateralization in langauage learning The case study of Nicaraguan Sign Language and what it tells us about language development and the relationship between language and thought
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