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Family Cohesion Adaption and Communication Assessment Scale Families differ in the amount of flexibility cohesion and communication The statements below are intended to help you explore where you family lies along the cohesion and flexibility continuum For each statement choose the number that BEST corresponds with your perception Think of your family at one particular point in your history e g today or as an adolescent and complete the questionnaire based on what you remember from that time 1 In general my family has a high level of separateness 2 In general the all for 1 vs all for we balance is primarily all for 1 3 In general my family has little closeness 4 In general my family lacks loyalty 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 In general activities in my family are 6 In my family there is generally mainly separate 2 1 a high level of independence 1 2 more separateness than togetherness 3 4 more together than separateness 6 5 more all for 1 than all more all for we than all for we 4 3 low to moderate closeness 4 3 has some loyalty 3 4 more separate than shared 3 4 more independence than dependence 3 4 for 1 6 5 moderate to high closeness 6 6 5 5 has considerable loyalty 6 5 more shared than separate more dependence than independence 5 6 very high togetherness primarily all for we 7 7 8 8 very high closeness 8 7 has high loyalty 7 8 mainly shared 8 7 a high level of dependence 7 8 Add all of the numbers you have circled and divide by 6 Write your total score here 4 5 Cohesion 1 Leadership in my family is authoritarian sometimes shared often shared lacking of leadership 4 Roles in my family are very stable stable shared shifting dramatically 2 Discipline in my family is 3 Negotiation in my family is strict 1 2 limited discussion somewhat strict 3 4 organized discussion democratic 5 6 open discussion lenient endless discussion 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 In my family rules are there are few rule there are some rule there are frequent rule unchanging 1 2 very little change changes 3 4 some change changes 5 6 moderate change changes considerable change 6 In my family there is Add all of the numbers you have circled and divide by 6 Write your total score here 5 5 Flexibility 3 In my family there is little sharing of feelings a moderate amount of sharing a high amount of sharing feelings 1 In general my family has poor listening skills appears to listen but gives little feedback listens and gives feedback 2 In my family people often speak for others speak for themselves more than speak mainly for themselves rather 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 others feelings Clear 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 than for others 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 In my family there is a low moderate level of respect a moderate high level of respect a high level of respect for each seldom stays on topic 1 2 for each other 2 often stays on topic mainly stays on topic for each other 4 other 4 In my family messages tend to inconsistent very clear be 5 My family Add all of the numbers you have circled and divide by 6 Note You do not plot your communication score Write your total score here 4 8 Communication Score interpretation C o h e s io n 1 2 Disengaged 3 4 Connected 5 6 Cohesive 7 8 Enmeshed Flexibility 1 2 Rigid 3 4 Structured 5 6 Flexible 7 8 Chaotic Communication 1 2 Poor 3 4 Good 5 6 Very good Compute your average score for each subscale above i e sum the numbers and divide by the number of questions in each subscale Using the scores from the flexibility and cohesion scales plot where your family falls on the Circumplex Model i e find the point where these two dimensions cross on the model grid From this plot point determine how your family would be classified on the model e g flexibly cohesive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Levels of Flexibility CHAOTIC Lack of leadership Dramatic role shifts Erratic discipline Too much change FLEXIBLE Shared leadership Role sharing Democratic discipline Change when necessary STRUCTURED Leadership sometimes shared Roles stable Somewhat democratic discipline Change when demanded RIGID Authoritarian leadership Roles seldom change Too little Change Levels of Cohesion I We balance Closeness Loyalty Interdependence Dependence I Little closeness Lack of loyalty High independence DISENGAGED SEPARATED CONNECTED ENMESHED I We Low Moderate Little loyalty Interdependent More independence than dependence I We Moderate High Some loyalty Interdependent More dependence than independence We Very High High loyalty High dependency

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