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HD204 FAMILY INTERACTION EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE FA23 Recommendations for How to Prepare for the Exam The exam will have T F matching and multiple choice questions for which you should choose the BEST logical option In family sciences we know that concepts are not mutually exclusive This means that for questions that have two potentially correct responses think through the logic of the response and choose the one that is most specific e g if there is one with a key term then choose the scientific key term over the word that is similar but not as specific The midterm exam has many scenario type questions You should be able to identify concepts and correct terminology from situations that are described As you study do the following with each set of concepts 1 Know the key terms bolded and in back of the chapters 2 Know the components of models their names and what they mean 3 Be able to define describe concepts and provide examples You can think of examples from your own family or those given in the text Concepts to Focus On Chapter 1 How do the authors define family What are the types of lenses used to define family and what do they refer to o Role socio legal and bio genetic What are the properties of a family system Identify define and apply these o Interdependence o Wholeness o Self regulating patterns Calibration Communication rules o Punctuation and interactive complexity o Openness o Complex relationships and sub concepts such as triangulation o Equifinality What are societal trends regarding families today e g demographics economic influences cultural influences on family systems What is a functional family Chapter 2 What is meant by the transactional process of communication o Symbolic transactional creating shared meanings How are symbols used in communication How do symbols create shared meaning o What are ways family members exhibit transactional communication What forces or contexts influence how this communication happens o What is metacommunication What are ways it happens Social construction and co creating family relationships HD204 FAMILY INTERACTION EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE FA23 o How do families use communication to define explain and legitimize their family both within and to the outside world Discourse dependent families Internal boundary management External boundary management How do communication patterns and processes affect family outcomes o Circumplex model What are the two axes central dimensions of this model Know the categories that fall on the continuum for each dimension and what they represent for a family e g low cohesion low adaptability What is considered a balanced family What does this mean for family functioning How and why is communication assessed in the circumplex model What are optimal patterns of communication o Family Communication Patterns Theory Know the two primary schemas conversation orientation and conformity orientation How do these make up family types of pluralistic consensual protective and laissez faire What do these types of families look like How do supportive functions help to shape family communication o Family images o Family themes o Family boundaries o Family biosocial issues e g gender roles power tied to position or gender gender identity sources How do family of origin influence family communication cohesion and adaptability o E g What is the role of multigenerational transmission ethnic heritage biological and genetic influences on how families function o What do genograms do How do they help us understand families o Chapter 3 What is communication accommodation theory What does it focus on and how is it useful Know the main concepts and terms associated with it o What are Convergence Divergence Maintenance strategy Over and under accommodation Communication privacy management theory Know the main concepts and terms associated with it o How do boundaries and rules help families manage privacy o What are the four concepts about boundaries that guide privacy rule management E g boundary rule formation boundary rule usage etc Narrative theory Know the main concepts and terms associated with it HD204 FAMILY INTERACTION EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE FA23 o What is the function of storytelling for families o What is different between recounting and accounting stories o What is communicated narrative sense making theory What does it focus on What function does it serve for families i e what effect does it have on family relationships Narrative performance theory o What does storytelling do for families o What is co constructing a narrative o What determines who can tell hear or present a story Relational dialectics theory o What is the main premise or assumption of this theory o What are discursive struggles o What are common tensions dialectic tension in families there are three o How do families manage dialectic tension E g selection segmentation Etc Chapter 4 What is relational culture How is it created and maintained What is meant by family meanings Be able to define and identify examples of each type of rule o Constitutive rules o Regulative rules o Explicit rules o Implicit rules o Negative feedback o Positive feedback o Recalibration How do generational patterns and ethnic heritage influence rules and family interaction What is the feedback system through which rules are maintained What is the function of family rules How do they help family function o E g how do they help with cohesion adaptability boundaries image management roles and positions in the family o What are meta rules Define and be able to identify it in an example Family secrets o How is it defined o What is the chilling effect o How do boundaries determine who knows and who does not What are whole family intrafamily individual secrets Be able to identify in an example o What are the types of secrets Define and identify in an example o What are the functions of secrets e g bonding evaluation Be able to describe and identify in an example Communication networks HD204 FAMILY INTERACTION EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE FA23 o What is the function or purpose of types of communication networks Be able to define and identify in an example Horizontal communication Vertical communication o How have communication networks changed with technology o What are the types of face voice network interactions What are pros or cons of each o What is the function of stories accounts and master narratives for families How do Chain network Y network Wheel network All channel network Narrative Story

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