JN 311 1nd Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I The Job Hunt Outline of Current Lecture II Chapter 11 Current Lecture Writing for Print Broadcast Similarities Driven by the 3 c s Clear Concise Conversational FINAL Avoid repetition Choose sound bites with emotion Meant to be heard and not seen Rather than word count timing is key Structure driven by dramatic unity rather than the inverted pyramid Attribution First in the broadcast writing says Usually last in text for print and web said Voice Always active in broadcast Tense Present tense Typically past tense in print Leads These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Update when possible for broadcast even if what s timely is not as important Elements of a Broadcast Package FINAL Interviews Natural sound B roll video footage Reporters Track The reporter s standup Anchor Throw lead in and the wrap up optional Key Points Only one idea per sentence Eliminate clauses long titles excessive adjectives Use short titles and descriptors for attribution Numbers Round off write to the read out loud
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