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Arboreal Adaptations generalized skeletal structure enhanced touch stereoscopic vision depth perception reduced olfactory sense o Adaptations that give them a versatile skeletal structure with flexible arms and hands o Senses that help with life in the trees Dietary Plasticity ability to eat a variety of foods retained primitive characteristics in their teeth reduced number of teeth evolved different dental specializations Dental Formula simple cusp patterns on molar teeth 32 or 36 teeth o Strepsirhines 2 1 3 3 o New World Monkeys 2 1 3 2 o Old World Monkeys 2 1 2 3 Dominance Hierarchy the rank structuring of a primate group usually based on wining or losing fights Mother Infant Bond studied by Harry and Margaret Harlow family ties are strong in primates children often associate with their mothers for the rest of their lives Display piloerection making hair stand on end to appear larger Alarm Call Vervet live in social groups use distinct vocalization for leopard snake and raptorial bird will then flee in the right direction Infanticide the killing of infants either by members of the infant s group or by member of a rival group Prosimians strepsirhines Anthropoids haplorhines Strepsirhines first primates to evolve at least 60 million years ago lemurs lorises bush babies o tactile vibrissae whiskers o frenulum that tethers upper lip o toilet claw on second two o postorbital bar only o generally small and nocturnal o the smaller in size the more insects they eat o use scent to communicate and have scent glands to mark with sensitive noses to detect the scents o have moist noses o ears are mobile for good hearing to detect prey and to hear other s calls o have mask like expressionless faces o lemurs are only found on Madagascar o all in Africa and Asia are nocturnal o dental formula 2 1 3 3 o considered living fossils Haplorhines earliest seen 45 50 million years ago tarsiers monkeys apes humans o Tarsier smaller than a kitten can leap 4 feet into the air eat insects snakes and lizards difficult to classify because they are similar to strepsirhines o New World Monkeys all arboreal not heavy or bulk Marmosets and Tamarins are very small and routinely give birth to twins father plays important role in care he carries the babies while the mother is not nursing them have high pitched vocalizations and sound like birds eat tree gum and insects ancestors were probably medium sized primate who went through process of dwarfism Squirrel Monkey eat fruits and insects Titi Monkey monogamous the couple are very pair bonded and sit with their tails entwined become very distressed when separated Sakis fairly small and specialize in eating seeds larger NWM have prehensile tail which they can wrap tightly around branches it allows them to dangle head first and reach fruits Spider Monkey only brachiating NWM and prefers to eat fruit have very good memory Howler Monkey eat leaves and some fruit make incredibly loud noise dental formula 2 1 3 2 o Old World Monkeys two main groups Cercopithicines diet that includes variety of foods omnivorous vervet macaque baboon mandrill some baboons are adapted for living in open country and are terrestrial baboons and macaques form large complex social groups multi male multi female Colobines specialized for eating leaves folivorous teeth have shearing crests and their stomachs are sacculated allowing them to ferment the diced up leaves and digest the cellulose the monkeys typically form 1 male multi female groups many females have sexual swelling when genitals swell when females are in the fertile part of the cycle both male and females have pads of tough bare skin on their butts ischial o Hominoids lesser apes great apes humans callosities for sitting on dental formula 2 1 2 3 dental formula 2 1 2 3 gibbon siamang orangutan gorilla common chimpanzee bonobo o Lesser Apes gibbons and siamangs very delicate weigh about 15 lbs move rapids through the trees by brachiating form 1 male 1 female groups monogamous both sexes actively defend their territory both sexes have big canine teeth to fight intruders both sings loud songs together to help define their territory o Great Apes orangutan gorilla bonobo chimpanzee very intelligent have large bodies African based apes move by knuckle walking Orangutan only Great Ape from Asia only solitary ape each mostly fruit frugivorous very sexually dimorphic sexes appear very differently the male is much larger than the female adult males have very broad faces quadrumanual put front weight of their bodies on their fists when walking Gorillas also very sexually dimorphic males are huge and have a big crest on their head mid sections turn grey when they are mature adults form 1 male multi female groups leaves are important to diet Bonobos and Chimpanzees both form big social communities multi male and female communities break up into smaller groups that forage for food rarely is the whole community at one time fission fusion society love to eat fruit Chimpanzees noisy lively and clever sometimes males form hunting parties and cooperate to kill a monkey bush pig or bush buck they hunt red colobus juveniles primarily frequently use tools to get them food or for intimidation insect food is most important to females Bonobo favorite of the great apes because they are so similar to humans formerly called pygmy chimpanzees because limbs are long and slender males and females are very friendly use sex as a way to make friends celebrate something good happening relieve tension reproduction females are sexually receptive fully or partially swollen throughout much of their cycle and while pregnant Male Philopatry social system where males remain in the group and females have to Female Philopatry social system where females remain in the group and males have Dominance Hierarchy the rank structuring of a primate group usually based on win leave bonobo chimps to leave loss of fights o be a good fighter o born under dominant female o having support of several relatives o making friend forming alliances Estrus Cycle the behaviors that go along with the hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle as ovulation approaches the females become more sexually attractive Receptivity during estrus cycle where females as sitting and waiting for males to approach them Proceptivity females actively trying to pursue the males Encephalization Quotient ratio of actual brain size to expected brain size brain makes up 2 of our body mass but uses 20 of the energy and

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