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Restoring the Union Reconstruction in the North and South To what extent did Reconstruction change the lives of African Americans in the South Why have people both at the time and in hindsight been so critical of Reconstruction Civil War 1 Who seceded a Southern states 2 Why a Slave ownership and labor 3 Lincoln s plan Republican liberal a Reconstruction b Emancipation Proclamation i Only released slaves in rebellious states c 13th Amendment 1865 i Made slavery illegal in all of US Phase I 1 Presidential Reconstruction 2 Andrew Johnson a Democrat TN 1865 69 b Anti plantation but not anti slavery i Anti upper class basically 3 Democrats vs Republicans 4 Republicans initially Support Johnson as enemy of planter class 5 6 Johnson Republicans split on Reconstruction Johnson made southern conventions a Make secession illegal b Reject Confederate debt c Ratify 13th Amendment Black Suppression 1 Sharecropping a Plantation owners rented out parcels of land to black farmers at the cost of a share of their crops at harvest 2 Black codes a Restrict the rights and freedoms of the freedmen 1 Radical or Congressional Reconstruction after 1866 election 2 Congress takes the initiative 3 Republicans had ideological commitment to equal rights even if some did not believe in Phase II equality Radical Republicans 1 Pass 13th Amendment outlawing slavery 2 Pass 14th Amendment a No state shall make laws which abridge the privileges of the citizens of the US by due process of law 3 Civil Rights Act 4 Assumption a Can t discriminate based on race or color in public facilities a Black suffrage sufficient to empower freedmen to protect themselves 5 Expanded Freedmen s School system a Give them education and right to vote they will better themselves 6 Reconstruction Act of 1867 a Divided south into 5 different military districts 247pearsoned cu sthelp com 77843 President vs Congress 1 Split over duration of federal protection a Radicals recognize need for long period b Most southerners wish military occupation to be short Impeachment Crisis 1 2 Johnson obstructs Congressional Reconstruction Johnson vetoes two bills a Extension of freedmen s bureau b Civil rights bill to overturn Black Codes 3 Congress limits Presidential power a Tenure of Office Act i Protects those in office from being fired ii Fired secretary of war anyway and replaced him with U S Grant 4 Impeached 1868 but avoids conviction by one vote a Only stayed in power for a couple more months until the election of 1868 Impact on Republicans 1 Radical Republicans seen as subversive of Constitution a Lose public support Phase III 1 U S Grant 1869 77 a Standing up for the blacks 2 Enforcement acts from 1870 71 a KKK act 3 15th Amendment a Prohibits denial of suffrage based on race 4 African Americans made gains 5 Grant couldn t choose good constituents Compromise of 1877 1 1876 election a Rutherford B Hayes R OH i Said he would pull out troops and end Reconstruction b Samuel J Tilden D NY End of Reconstruction 1 Southern Democrats accept on 2 conditions a Guarantee of federal aid to the south b Removal of all remaining federal troops 2 Hayes agreement ends Reconstructions but blacks lose out Why would North withdraw Involved for 16 years 1 2 Lost its egalitarian drive due to economic changes and industrialization 3 Didn t agree with social equality 4 Rise of Jim Crow The Rise of Jim Crow Where did the system of Jim Crow come from How did Jim Crow affect African Americans Idea of Race 1 Social construction 2 Eugenics movement a Defining what a negro looks like i By blood parents or grandparents 1 Plessy vs Ferguson 1896 2 Changes to one drop rule a Cause the separate but equal rules i Slavery no rights ii Reconstruction all rights iii Jim Crow fewer and fewer rights 3 Social Darwinism a Herbert Spencer b Says communities should be in charge of races within it Voting retracted to protect Jim Crow laws 1 Voting disfranchisement a Grandfather literacy good character clauses b Poll taxes 2 Alters all southern politics Reemergence of racism and violence 1 Northerners reaction no equality 2 Popular literature a White Man s Burden b The Negro a beast Exodus to the North 1 90 lived in south a 75 in rural areas 2 Jim Crow strongly enforced in North as well a Residential segregation b Education c Competition for jobs African American response 1 Booker T Washington slave a Accommodation b Tuskegee Institute c Atlanta Compromise i Work side by side and eventually it will go away ii Represents majority of blacks in south 2 WEB DuBois non slave a Resist b NAACP in 1909 c The Souls of Black Folk i Says Washington is selling out to the whites Lighting out for the Territories Westward Expansion and the Vanishing Frontier How did the process of westward expansion change the lives and cultures of both Native Americans and the new settlers Native Americans 1 Two thirds of all Native Americans lived on the Great Plains a Horsemen and warriors b Migratory buffalo hunters c Divided labor according to gender Conflicts 1 Chivington Massacre at Sand Creek Reservation in Colorado on Nov 29 1864 a 7 chiefs signed treaty giving land to whites i A few tribes said the chiefs had no jurisdiction over them ii Kept hunting and raiding saying they own the land b US thinks they are planning a war i Drunk soldiers slaughter women and children at Sand Creek when braves were out hunting 2 Little Big Horn in Montana on June 25 1876 a Custer with the Sioux i Trying to get them back on reservations ii Gold found in Sioux s Black Hills they fought for their reservation b Custer decides to take them out even though it was white s fault i 2500 Indians in the village he attacked 3 Wounded Knee 1890 a To suppress Ghost Dances i Misunderstood the dances thought they were war dances ii In reality they were to bring Jesus and the buffalo back b One Indian didn t want to give up his new gun a battle started Searching for an Indian Policy 1 Humanitarians want to civilize Indians 2 Others want firm control and swift reprisal 3 Humanitarians win with small reservation policy Exposing Realities 1 Helen Hunt Jackson 2 The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 a Grants voluntary removal of Indians from reservation i Get the same 160 acres that a white would get b Destroys communal ownership of Indian land i Must stay on own land no team work ii Couldn t sell land whites tricked them into giving it up c Indians who leave tribes can become US citizen i 25000 Indians became citizens but not until the Code Talkers in

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TAMU HIST 106 - Civil War

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