TAMU HIST 106 - Progressive Era continued
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HIST 106 2nd Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Urban Amusement Urban Moral Control II Battling Alcohol and Drugs III Immigration Restriction and Eugenics Outline of Current Lecture I T R and the modern presidency II Roosevelt and labor III Birth of the conservation movement IV Corporate regulation V Taft and the insurgents Current Lecture Intro T R and the modern presidency o Chief Executive indeed T R became the first modern president to involve the media in his campaign ex Media presses Believed that the president can do anything he wants as long as the constitution did not say that the act was illegal He broadened executive power and increased the size of the federal government o Chief legislator T R wrote a lot of legislation and wrote many letters to congress explicitly saying what he wanted congress to do T R avoided bumping heads with the oldie congressmen His shifts in government power favored the executive branch and revolutionized the executive branch Believed in efficiency and expertise and wanted people who were experts in their field to work for him This lead to good public management and allowed the country to have better educated people in high government seats o Chief propagandist Was the first rock star president and loved the limelight and loved hearing himself speak Roosevelt and labor o Intro context 1902 coal strike Members of a coal mine walked off of work one day in protest for 8 hour work days Workers behaved in orderly conduct and wanted to negotiate with the managers President Roosevelt invited both sides to the white house against the wishes of his legal advisors Owners refused to speak to the minors and this crushed the spirits of the minors o Compromise and consequences T R is not really for the laborers and even favored shooting the minors but wanted to help out with this situation for the better good of the public Startled the owners by saying that he would use the army not to crush the strikers but to seize and operate the mines and would do this if the owners did not reopen the mines before winter This gave the minors a 10 pay increase and a 9 hour workday and prohibited owners from increasing coal prices by 10 Roosevelt s intervention in the issue set the precedent for having presidents intervening in domestic issues beginning of the green movement Birth of the conservation movement o Intro context New generation of progressive era believed that conservation was the future of America as materials needed to be conserved today to have a better tomorrow o Resource management big government style Appointed Pinchot to help with the conservation movement and he helped triple the size of forest reserves to 150 million acres 180 million acres were set aside for mineral and petroleum reserves o The inevitable critics T R favored a scientific and efficient than an uncontrolled use of resources o Silences critics 1802 Reclamation act engineers construct dams reservoirs irrigation canals Did not enforce the 60 acre limit on land which allowed for the massive corporate lands in the west o Government sponsored racism Made irrigation ways to help make water available for white and land available for whites Corporate regulation o Intro context Was a trust buster took down the large trusts monopolies Regarded the formation of large corporate trusts pretty okay but became the trust buster to ease the people s concerns about monopoly Rather than take down the whole trust he favored government regulation of corporate companies o Taking on corporate combos The most famous anti trust lawsuit was against the railroad company Northern securities company by JP Morgan This asserted government power reassured the public and encouraged corporate responsibility In 1904 ordered the Northern securities companies dissolved T R had 44 anti trust suits in his presidency but did not go against companies such as Standard oil T R was not anti big business but wanted the federal government to expand its power and this was the reason for the anti trust suits o T R s progressive legislative flurry Many of the federal intervention acts in the corporate world were the Hepburn act the pure food and drug act and the meat inspection act Other corporate revolutions were things such as income tax Taft and the insurgents o Intro context o Accomplishments Had a better anti trust program than Roosevelt Mann Elkin act Made a constitutional amendment to have an income tax had more natural conservation and started garnished wages o Can t win for losing o In fighting o The Ballinger Pinchot Affair Ballinger favored private development and when Pinchot questioned Ballinger s acts Taft fired Pinchot o Divided we fall TR and Taft had a falling out and TR began campaigning for the republican party himself Taft was able to dominate at the republican party and was able to get the yes for reelection TR started the progressive party and the split in the republican party allowed the democrats to win and have Woodrow Wilson as the next president Urban Amusement Urban Moral Control o Amusement Parks Offered families escape from tenements Female workers had a rare opportunities to meet young men socialize with other women Coney Island attracted several million visitors Where immigrants learned how to e American o America On The Move Streetcar rides and window shopping electricity at least they could look to poor to buy Wright Bros airplane and Ford s Model T o Music Scene Blues reached a broader public Ragtime Irving Berlin Alexander s Ragtime Man o The Silver Screen Movies Movies migrated to 5 cent calls called Nickelodeons The Sneeze The Kiss Stories like the The Great Train Ride Charlie Chapman 60 short comedies 1914 1917 Youths escaped was from parental supervision o Stodgy Reactions o Crusaders and opportunists Womens Christian Temperance union reformers also targeted Prostitution Prostitution was tempting because they made no money in regular business o The Social Evil American Social Hygiene Association sponsored by John D Rockefeller Jr Researched STD s Paid for vice investigation Drafted anti prostitution laws A white slave is what they were called Cant transport a girl across state line Reformer shut down the redlight districts of Chicago and New Orleans o Causation and Consequence Racism Anti Immigrant Prejudice Victorian Morals all fueled anti prostitution efforts AA Boxer Jack Johnson was convicted for crossing state lines with a woman for immoral purposes Battling Alcohol and Drugs o

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TAMU HIST 106 - Progressive Era continued

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 7
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