HIST 2620 1nd Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 15 27 Lecture 15 Topic 7 World War I Significances 9 million dead and 7 million crippled this war Russian Revolution four Empires collapsed Russian German Austro Hungarian Ottoman AntiColonial revolts created uprising within enemy s countries Great Depression after WWI U S became the largest creditor nation we held the allies money and gave loans to those countries Archduke Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand was the Austrian Heir he went to Serbia to check on military maneuvers Gavrilo Princip an assassin of Black Hand shot him Austria s threatens Serbia as punishment Russia allies with Serbia along with France Great Britain and later the U S Austria s alliance was Germany Hungary and the Ottoman Empire Lecture 16 Topic 7 Schlieffen Plan the plan was to attack France before Russia started to move their army near the German border they believed it would take six weeks to execute the plan wanted to fight the French first because the Russians were 100 years behind on everything military equipment to get to France the Germans had to go through Belgium who wouldn t let them through without a fight Two problems the battle in Belgium delayed them to finish their battle with the French in six weeks and Belgium they would have less troops going to Russia Battle of Marne first battle the French fought with the Germans Trench Warfare started which caused a stalemate so new technology was invented such as rifles machine guns tanks grenades and gases Lecture 17 Topic 7 Home Front violated civil liberties Wilson tried to stamp out anit war movements Wave of anit german sentiment was the movement that took anything German away example would be Robert Prager he made a German related comment so he was lynched because of it and he had to write a letter to his parents to notify them what he said Espionage and Sedition Acts were created to prevent interference with military recruit and to prevent anyone from speaking out against the government or military Wilson s 14 points 1 Freedom of the seas stop sea warfare 2 Free trade open door policy 3 Open public diplomacy everyone should know what everyone is going to do 4 International organization League of Nations to resolve disputes 5 Universal self determinism Wilson favored international organization it was the only point that got approved the U S congress said no so we didn t get to follow through with it Lecture 18 Topic 8 Red Scare battle over radicalism A nationwide fear of communists socialists anarchists and other dissidents suddenly grabbed the American psyche in 1919 following a series of anarchist bombings Palmer Raids were attempts by the United States Department of Justice to arrest and deport radical leftists occurred in November 1919 and January 1920 under the leadership of Attorney General A Mitchell Palmer Prohibition Jan 16 1920 all of the bars saloons and any other public place that served alcohol were shut down Carrie Nation created the anti saloon league women were huge supporters because they were tired of dealing with their drunk husbands who would abuse them support from Protestant ministers and their congregations especially Methodists Baptists Disciples and Congregationalists It resulted as the 18th Amendment in 1920 Some differences that it made it changed drinking habits created new and better drinks fostered political corruption and contempt the law alcohol was brought back during the Great Depression because of how miserable people were Pan Africanism founded by Marcus Garvey who was from Jamaica told followers historical figures and biblical people were black he also said to celebrate their roots have pride UNIA 7 million members founded grocery and clothing stores operated and used by African Americans it demonstrated that they could come together Lecture 19 Topic 8 Ku Klux Klan a new version was created of the org they were anti everything they were against Catholics Jews immigrants etc they would only accept Anglo Saxon protestants two key points first the emergence of the film Birth of a Nation portrays the blacks raging and acting out of control which brings in the KKK looking as if they saved the day secondly if a member of the org brought in new members the person who brought in the new members would benefit from it by earning money they wanted to promote the organization David Stephenson a leader of the Klan he contributed by selling the uniforms in 1925 he becomes attracted to a librarian he orders men to capture her put her on a train which is where David rapes her throughout the train ride he is put on trial he defends himself by saying he will disclose all of the information he has on the government so the government ended up not punishing him Immigration Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti robbed a shoe store factory payroll and killed the paymaster two weeks later the police arrested them they were still convicted of murder and sentenced to death they demonstrated how much America didn t like immigrants Immigration Act of 1924 United States federal law that limited the annual number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 2 of the number of people from that country who were already living in the United States in 1890 this mostly affected southern Europeans and Russians Religion Darwin published a book that started a big controversy which explained the theory of evolution Protestants split modernists religions has to change to accommodate science began to see the creation story in the bible as a metaphor fundamentalists rejected what modernists believed they believed the age of miracles wasn t over Scopes Monkey Trial high school teacher John Scopes was accused of violating Tennessee s Butler Act which made it unlawful to teach human evolution in any state funded school Scopes was found guilty and fined 100 William Jennings Bryan argued for the prosecution while Clarence Darrow the defended Scopes Politics Democratic Convention of 1924 they had to agree on a candidate but because both parties disagreed over everything finding a candidate was impossible for them they were discussing whether or not to condemn the KKK the vote came to a split vote so they did not condemn the org it demonstrated how divided the Democrats were Al Smith was an Irish Catholic William McAdoo was a southern white John Davis ran against Coolidge and lost Lecture 20 Topic 8 Great Depression unemployment went from 3 to 25 industrial production decreased to 50 investment
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