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Introduction Overview of the Textiles Apparel Retail and Auxiliary Industry Career 1 Fashion the prevailing style at a given time 2 Style the specific design or a look 3 Design a specific version of a style 4 Trend the direction fashion is moving 5 Fad short lived style or fashion 6 Classic enduring style that lasts over a period of time 7 Clothing any covering to the body 8 Apparel constructed garments 9 Dress all ornamentation and body coverings 10 Silhouette physical shape or lines of style 11 Marketing activities involved in conceiving a product and or service directing the flow of goods from producer to the consumer including product development pricing promotion and distribution 12 Merchandising buying and selling of goods for the purpose of making a profit the rights 13 Retailing procuring goods or services from various resources and distributing them through retail outlets 14 5 rights of merchandising Merchandise Time Quantity Place Price people products Basic physiological safety security love belonging esteem self actualization Consumer Behavior Adoption Industry Forecasting 1 Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs from bottom to top 2 Diffusion spread of an innovation within and across social systems 3 Fashion Innovation a style or design perceived as new 4 The Fashion Product Life Cycle stages Introduction rise peak plateau maturation decline obsolescence 5 3 Major Fashion Theories trickle down hierarchical oldest trickle up bottom up sub cultural from streets trickle across simultaneous newest 6 Cycles of Fashion recurring style resurfaces broken or interrupted stop then resurgence cycles within cycles style remains but elements change 7 Forecasting predicting determining what the wants and needs of the consumer will be based on research analysis of past behavior current situations and conditions and goals set Historical Development of the Industries 1 Industrial Revolution How did impact textile production 1770 1850 3 major British technological inventions smelting iron to coke steam engine textile machinery from England also after the revolution cartwright s power loom 2 Flying Shuttle It allowed a single weaver to weave much wider fabrics and it could be mechanized allowing for automatic machine looms Kay 1773 3 Spinning Jenny multi spool spinning frame Reduced the amount of work needed to produce yarn Hargreave 1764 1769 4 Water Frame name given to the spinning frame when water is used to power it Arkwright 5 Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin which revolutionized the use of cotton and began the South s role in textiles cotton was king 6 Factory System earliest factories and mills in NE MA Maine Samuel Slater set up a spinning mill 1791 Factory system modeled after England s first animal then water then steam to our eventual use of electricity wool was the fiber used in the north mill towns sweatshop conditions often deplorable hours children safety etc 7 Piecework system of production RTW menswear first sailors slops army workers womenswear skirts and shirt waists safety wages etc 8 Triangle shirtwaist factory fire caused unions to be formed laws passed to help 1900 labor 9 Department stores 1850 1920s a store with many departments under one roof that revolutionized retailing early US department stores John Wanamaker Philly Macy s L T Bloomingdale s NYC Filene s Boston 10 Catalogs sears Roebuck and Co began as catalog then store JC Penney began as store then catalog Montgomery Ward catalog Organizational structures and frameworks 1 Review files on blackboard course site as discussed in class The Textiles Industry 1 Mills a factory that houses spinning and weaving machinery 2 3 Converters textile producers that buy greige goods from mills and dyes prints and finishes it Jobbers Brokers a middleman between the producer and the commercial consumer before selling it to a manufacturer 4 Exporters importers those in charge of bring textiles in shipping textiles out of the country 5 Dyers printers the people in charge of dying and printing the fabrics 6 Wholesalers buy and store goods in large quantities from their manufacturers or importers and then sell smaller quantities to retailers who in turn sell to the general public Retailers may also buy directly from manufacturers 7 Fiber the raw material and base textiles element 8 Yarn made from twisted or spun fiber 9 Fabric production the production of fabric 10 Fabric finishing the last treatments given to fabrics 11 Greige Gray Good un finished ex Cotton muslin 12 Natural Vs Manufactured synthetic Fibers natural produced by nature cotton linen silk wool manufactured man made synthetic regenerated non wovens etc 13 Leather and fur industries expensive time consuming not widely accepted PETA associated with wealth The Apparel Manufacturing Industry 1 The apparel industry the manufacturers jobbers and contractors engaged in manufacture of clothing also called the garment business the needle trades the rage trade a global economic enterprise where costs and efficiency help determine what and where certain products will be made factoring in quality and affordability 2 The LARGEST SEGMENT of the FASHION INDUSTRY that PRODUCES APPAREL NAICS the North American Industry Classification System SIC 3 Also referred to as manufacturing and production 4 sourcing the worldwide search for the best available fabrics or garment production at the best price 5 The Structure apparel categories structured to differentiate body type style classification price 6 Price budget moderate better bridge designer RTW couture 7 Style classifications sportswear outerwear special occasion sleepwear underwear swimwear 8 Body types men s women s children s tall petite ladies juniors youngmen active wear accessories etc Fashion level high fashion mass fashion Men s young men s tall big Women s missy jrs women s petite tall Children s infant s toddlers girls boys 9 Beauty footwear accessories other divisions in the manufacturing industry besides clothing 10 Trademarks identifying logo symbols words slogans 11 Royalties obtained from use 12 Patents registered ownership 13 Copyrights not styles but original designs may be protected 14 Branding a target customer private label a store s own brand house store brands a line of products sold by a retailer under a single marketing identity name brands A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or manufacturer national designer brands manufacturers brands that are available nationwide licensed brands Brands for

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FSU CTE 2800 - Introduction & Overview of the Textiles

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