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1 3SU2021 Ldrshp Admin Supervision SWK 665 01EE 3SU2021 SWK 662 01EE 1 4 Assignment Myers Briggs 3SU2021 Ldrshp Admin Supervision SWK 665 01EE 3SU2021 SWK 662 01EE Timothyogoma academiaedu gmail com 2 Myers Briggs From the test results my identified personality traits include being extroverted agreeable organized traditional and statistically prone to stress and mental illness From the information provided in terms of the percentiles I agree with the results For instance I have scored a whopping 93 on agreeableness and this is a true reflection of my personality traits since my friends family members and even some strangers I have interacted with have always claimed that I am kind warm sympathetic considerate and cooperative Lake et al 2019 Such a personality easily comes with being extroverted and this is a vivid description of my personality just like I scored 74 on this aspect of big five personality traits Likewise just as I have scored 89 on conscientiousness I am normally diligent hardworking and reliable Moreover my Myers Briggs Type Indicator MBTI is ESTP This MBTI type depicts that I am an entrepreneur a persuader who is action oriented outgoing and dramatic As such it indicates that I enjoy spending my time with a large circle of acquaintances Lake et al 2019 Just like with the big five personality trait which results showed that I am an extrovert I agree with these test results as a true reflection of my personality Like a true ESTP type I enjoy spending time with friends and normally like to have my focus being on details as opposed to a broader view of facts As a result as it concerns a leadership role this information will be helpful in ensuring that I become a graceful leader As an extrovert I will be able to interact freely with the employees and motivate them to work out of passion and not out of fear of the leader Similarly as an ESTP type I will be a persuasive influential and action oriented leader Lake et al 2019 This means that I will be able to use my personality to persuade and influence the members of my team to coordinate effort towards the achievement of organizational goals References 3 Lake C J Carlson J Rose A Chlevin Thiele C 2019 Trust in name brand assessments The case of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator The Psychologist Manager Journal 22 2 91 107 https doi org 10 1037 mgr0000086

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IWU SWK 665 - 1.4 Assignment: Myers Briggs

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