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3SU2021 Ldrshp Admin Supervision SWK 665 01EE 3SU2021 SWK 662 01EE 1 2 2 Assignment Describing the Social Work Client 3SU2021 Ldrshp Admin Supervision SWK 665 01EE 3SU2021 SWK 662 01EE Timothyogoma academiaedu gmail com 2 2 2 Assignment Describing the Social Work Client Identify an actual client that you plan on evaluating for your practice evaluation plan In my practice evaluation plan the client I plan on evaluating is a schizophrenic male patient named Brian background Describe your client s background in general terms e g ethnicity age gender family Brian is a 24 year old single Caucasian He is a university graduate who completed schooling two years ago Brian was working but lost his job due to Covid 19 epidemic Brian was raised in a lower class family where academic and career success was considered significantly vital as it was the leeway out of poverty The client was the firstborn in a family of four His parents are both alive together with his other three siblings His grandmother also had schizophrenia but had passed a decade ago Back in college Brian was a hard working understudy but never associated much with his fellows He graduated with high grades and got a well paying job in an auditorium facility that soon ended with the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic Soon after losing the job Brian became stressed and started drinking alcohol excessively he broke up with her girlfriend due to continuous quarreling and started having lots of arguments with friends and relatives Through these encounters he soon began to experience delusions and hallucinations Define and describe your client s problem of interest in general terms including discussing the client problem s Epidemiology prevalence and its etiology causes When I examined Brian on the first meeting his record showed relevant symptoms of schizophrenia which included complaints of difficulty in sleeping roaming freely around the neighborhood loss of appetite and being physically abusive to friends and relatives I conducted 3 mental health examination on the client and the results revealed that he was emaciated Additionally he was informally dressed Brian also showed apprehensive behavior hesitancy and had ridiculous laughter The patient also ran to and fro within the facility What s more he had a depressed mood and felt constricted The client also exhibited auditory hallucinations stating that he heard voices He also talked in the third person that involved both males and females The client stated that he heard voices gossipping and insulting him most of which he recognized who they were As such the client was always uneasy and felt suspicious when in a group of people As such he had been living in his grandma s home and refused to return to his folk s house since he felt not safe living there The client believed that he was being targeted Brian s ideological content exhibited reference delusions and paranoid delusions After assessing all these symptoms Brian presented the apparent diagnosis that was on my mind was that the client had schizophrenia Some of the causes of this mental health condition involve genetic factors family relationships stress alcohol and drug abuse To begin with schizophrenia can run in families Steel 2012 stated that it is highly unlikely for people to develop schizophrenia throughout their lives in the general population However when it comes to family matters if one parent has schizophrenia there is a 15 percent likelihood that the children will develop the mental condition The second cause of Brian s condition can be attributed to family relationships Although there is little evidence to suggest that hostile family relationships can lead to schizophrenia it has been found that schizophrenic patients are sensitive to tensions and this is associated with recurrent family episodes Another notable cause that may be attributed to Brian s condition is the stress of job loss It is well known that stressful events precede the onset of the symptoms of schizophrenia 4 Symptoms such as irritability anxiousness and lack of concentration present before the onset of acute symptoms of schizophrenia Generally these symptoms are associated with the onset of schizophrenia mental illness Finally alcohol use can also be attributed to the development of schizophrenia Alcoholics are at risk of developing schizophrenia illness compared to the general population which is often an impediment in treatment Define and describe at least one intervention to deal with the client s problem The best intervention for Brian s case is Cognitive behavioral therapy CBT refers to a type of psychotherapy that assists a social worker in identifying and transforming the disturbing thought patterns that result in lousy conduct and emotions CBT can also be used as adjunctive therapy in both treatment and residential treatment settings The use of CBT destigmatize and normalizes a schizophrenic patient Evidence suggests that CBT reduces readmissions and symptomatology and improves social adjustments Bradshaw 1997 In a single case study of a patient with schizophrenia who participated in outpatient therapy Bradshaw 1997 discovered that the client had a considerably lower level of hospital readmissions symptomatology improved functioning and attained therapy objectives Therefore this evidence suggests that CBT helps manage suffering from schizophrenia State your intervention hypothesis that is based on the foregoing discussion Also stating the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable In this single case study the independent variable is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the dependent variable is schizophrenia mental illness Applying CBT to Brian s condition is critical in alleviating auditory hallucinations and depressive moods Moreover it will help prevent relapses delusions and promote positive conduct that will improve my client s overall quality of life Jauhar et al 2019 Some of the coping features of CBT that I will use for Brian s 5 case may include the following First I will aim to reduce the influence of positive and negative symptoms through simulation role playing and learning I will also introduce coping skills for progression to a quality life Since the main objective of CBT is to help the patient alter their negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones Jauhar et al 2019 I will engage better with Brian to help him manage his symptoms better I will introduce therapy sessions for the first four

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IWU SWK 665 - 2.2 Assignment: Describing the Social Work Client

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