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1 3SU2021 Ldrshp Admin Supervision SWK 665 01EE 3SU2021 SWK 662 01EE 3 1 Discussion Devotional Your Immense Value to God 3SU2021 Ldrshp Admin Supervision SWK 665 01EE 3SU2021 SWK 662 01EE timothyogoma academiaedu gmail com 2 3 1 Discussion Devotional Your Immense Value to God On a scale of 1 to 10 how valuable do you feel to God Why I remember a time when I did not feel valuable to God based on my personal battles with my self worth and guilt brought about by traumatic events from my past I now know in my heart that God values me on the highest level Only when my heart began to align with the heart of God and I began to cherish the things He does did I discover immense tranquility and self worth God made it very clear to me that I am loved and valued by Him when He sacrificed His only Son so my life would have meaning and purpose and I would have everlasting life Although I do not always fully understand I know that His love and value for me is unquestionable How do the scripture passages for this week help you to see God and his heart for you differently Explain Describe the specific emotions these scriptures help you to see that God has toward you or people These scripture passages help me see myself and God as we really are which forges the connection between my way of thinking and the divine truth that He wanted to reveal I am so thankful that instead of seeing my transgressions He sees the righteousness of Jesus Christ and 3 doesn t hold my transgressions against me He has welcomed me with open arms into a relationship with Him and considers me to be someone who has been restored Take a moment to picture yourself as the lost son coming back up the road home after betraying your father and wasting all your money in the parable from Luke 15 Imagine God as the Father you hurt and betrayed running toward you embracing you kissing you and giving you extravagant gifts as you return How do you feel If you were the son what might this experience mean for how you will relate to your Father in the future How would it change you and your sense of worth or value Why To know that the Father that I hurt and betrayed would disregard my transgressions and love me unconditionally is the best gift I could ask for My past would have brought about feelings of shame and guilt but the here and now brings about feelings of peace This experience reveals to me that my Father will continue to love and accept me no matter what I do or how I live This would change how I live my life because I want to please my Father and not disappoint Him

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IWU SWK 665 - Devotional - Your Immense Value to God

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