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Final Study Guide 4 steps to a nonviolent campaign o Collection of facts o Negotiation o Self purification o Direct action Redlining o If an area is determined to be high risk you can t get insurance or a loan This is why black areas are called food deserts because they don t have supermarkets since they won t be granted loans Stereotypes o Mammy Caregiver motherly fat uneducated asexual elder Hypersexual desire for white men promiscuous Angry loud sassy mean Fool child like coward silly lazy depiction o Jezebel o Sapphire o Sambo Zipcoon o Buck Brute Muscular aggressive all about the body animalistic War on Drugs o Clinton showed his dislike for the lower class by taking away housing and food stamps for anyone convicted of a drug felon o Black youth are incarcerated at a rate 25 times more than that of white youth o Blacks comprise 75 of drug arrests Carl B Stokes Shirley Chisholm o First black mayor of a major city Cleveland Ohio o First black woman to run for a presidential nomination with a major political party Douglas Wilder o First black governor in Virginia HIV AIDS o Majority of new diagnosis are among blacks o 1 of 3 leading causes for deaths among black women between 35 44 Institutional racism vs Individual racism o Institutional racism Racism that isn t obvious Usually seen through laws that discriminate against a certain race or favors another race o Individual racism Racism against the individual Blatantly towards someone Affirmative action Homophobia o Regents of University of California vs Bakke case Determined that racial quotas are illegal o A terror surrounding feelings of love for the same sex and thereby a hatred of those feelings in others Heterosexism thereby the right to dominance Lexicon o The belief in the superiority in one form of loving above all others and o Minority the elite white male o Socialism an economic system in which the means of production are controlled by workers communities and countries o Capitalism an economic system in which the means of production are controlled by individuals and corporations o Media the technologies by which ideas and concepts are disseminated o Democracy a system of governance in which there exists an electoral system of majority rule o Politics that which determines and maintain power o Race a social construction of different races o Racism the predication of decisions and policies on considerations of race for the purpose of subordinating a racial group o White supremacy the political ideology that perpetuates and maintains the social political and historical dominance of whites o Panafricanism the recognition of all African descendants as one family separated by racist imperialist and colonialist powers and imposed geographic borders Plessey v Ferguson o Separate but equal o Racial segregation in public areas Browder v Gale o Ended segregation on public transportation o Ruled that segregation on Alabama s buses was unconstitutional o Started the UNIA Universal Negro Improvement Association o Founded the black star line cruise o Newspaper The Negro World Garvey DuBois o Leader of the Niagra Movement o Believes that Washington wanted blacks to give up three things Civil rights Political power Higher education In exchange for an industrial education and the acquisition of wealth which protects property rights This resulted because of a disagreement with Washington Washington o Wealthiest black man in America o Started Tuskeegee Institute to provide an industrial education to blacks Charles Hamilton Houston o Killed Jim Crow attacked Jim Crow through the courts o Trained lawyers and attorneys through the NAACP Nihilism o Hopelessness after oppression Conservative behaviorism o Stresses hard work and frugality o Leads to black capitalism Stop waiting for the government to help you Liberal structuralism o Government started and benefited from free African labor in the USA o It s the governments responsibility to rectify discriminatory issues through government reforms Black power o Phrase coined by Charmichael Revolutionary nationalism vs Cultural nationalism o Revolutionary nationalism Socialism Power to the people o Cultural nationalism Black people are living in a context not meant for them and they will not be at their true potential until they adopt African ideals Incarceration o A lot of tax money is spent on incarceration o More African Americans incarcerated today than were enslaved in 1880 o Drug treatment is cheaper o More blacks are accused of using drugs and are incarcerated for it as opposed to whites even though they both use them the same amount Possessive investment in whiteness o Whiteness appears to be nothing o A benign category against which difference is constructed AFDC TANF Equiano o Aid to Families with Dependent Children o Temporary Assistance for Needy Families o Welfare o Wrote about slave trade and experiences o African prince that was mistaken for a slave o Released by captivators and returned to England on a slave ship o Became literate in England o Had slaves of his own when he returned to Africa Slave trade o Triangle trade Left Europe Went to Africa to get human cargo Went to Caribbean to trade humans for goods o Africans were enslaved instead of Europeans because Europeans were promised land after enslavement o Native Americans also died from diseases brought by Europeans and they knew the land so it was easier to escape o Williams said slavery was purely for economic reasons o Jordan said blackness meant something about character Civil rights act o Federal government was given the power to persecute anyone who discriminated on the base of race religion sex or national origin o Desegregated public places o Demanded equal opportunity in the workplace Voting Rights Act o Prohibited discrimination for voting o Outlawed literacy tests Letter from Birmingham jail o Letter from MLK defending nonviolent protests o Principle organizer of Montgomery improvement association LCSC o Most important person in civil rights movement o SNCC Student Non violent Coordinating Committee Ella Baker SNCC 13th Amendment o Abolished slavery 14th Amendment o Citizenship 15th Amendment o Voting rights couldn t be denied based on race

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