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Chapter 15 PSY 2012 Spires Abnormal Psychology Psychopathology Clinical Psychology Behavioral Psychology Insanity is a legal term not a psychological term ECT sends electric shocks through the brain Psychosis actually departing from reality Sensoriums Ox3 is the client oriented to person place and time Neurosis the patient knows that the behavior is abnormal but can t control it Kraepelin was the first person to develop a system to measure and classify psychopathy American Psychiatric Association established the DSM I in 1952 This was the first widely accepted system to measure psychopathy o In 1967 the APA published the DSM II It tried to determine the cause of the o In 1984 they published the DSM III It did not make an attempt to find the cause psychopathy just the symptoms In 1987 they revised the DSM III R to take culture into consideration o In 1984 they introduced the multi axial approach Axis I Clinical Syndrome name of psychological disorder Axis II Personality Disorder if any exist Pervasive Development any developmental issues Axis III Physical Disorder if any exist Axis IV Psychosocial Stressors any other stressing influences Axis V GAF Score the therapist assigns the patient a Global Assessment of Function score which ranges from a perfect 100 to 0 A score of less than 35 may require the patient to be Baker Acted A score of less than 65 still requires treatment o DSM IV is what is currently in use o DSM V is in evaluation Page 1 of 5 Chapter 15 PSY 2012 Spires Paradigm way of thinking at any given time Trephining type of psychosurgery where the therapist drills a hole in the skull to remove o Prefrontal Lobotomy surgically cut nerve endings in the front of the brain affects o People became psychologically disturbed because of unresolved problems as a child o We live in a sick system that produces sick people o People who are under prolonged intense stress are more at risk to be schizophrenic Theories demons the amygdala Psychoanalytic Approach System Model Social Diathesis Theory Types of Disorders Anxiety Disorders o Very common o Treated with drugs and cognitive therapy o Types of Anxiety Disorders Panic Disorders panic attack Social Phobia uncomfortable in social situations Generalized Anxiety Disorder no known cause for excess anxiety OCD strong urge to act out certain behaviors Mood Disorders o Affect the way an emotion is presented o Euthymia a normal mood pattern o Types of Mood Disorders Depression suppressed mood Page 2 of 5 Chapter 15 PSY 2012 Spires Bipolar extreme continuous mood swings Mania continuous high energy mood Somatoform Disorders o Types of Somatoform Disorders Hypochondriasis they fear symptoms are caused by a deadly a disease Psychogenic Pain imagined pain Conversion Disorder convert psychological trauma into a physiological Psychogenic Fugue loss of memory and the person wanders away from problem Dissociative Disorders o Types of Dissociative Disorders Psychogenic Amnesia loss of memory their usual surroundings Psychotic Disorders o Types of Psychotic Disorders Schizophrenia literally means split mind Starts between ages 17 24 Used to be referred to as dementia praecox Always includes these Most severe psychotic disorder Affects 1 of the population o Affects everyone equally Symptoms of Schizophrenia o Delusions o Hallucinations o Paralogic Thinking o Neologisms o Thought Broadcasting o Thought Insertion Types of Schizophrenia Page 3 of 5 Chapter 15 PSY 2012 Spires o Paranoid o Catatonic Stupor body is very stiff Excited no regard for safety o Hebephrenic AKA Disorganized worst type involving broken speech and unusual actions o Chronic Undifferentiated Type C U T o Residual Type Page 4 of 5 Chapter 15 PSY 2012 Spires Sample Test Questions 1 Trevor an eighteen year old college freshman is seeking a therapist because of an extensive history of manifesting inappropriate conduct to include being aggressive toward others cruelty toward animals disregard for the rights of others and seemingly with no remorse for his inappropriate conduct toward others A mental health professional would probably diagnose Trevor with A Antisocial personality disorder 2 Dr Spires is seeing a patient who reports that she constantly feels anxious nervous unable to concentrate and is hyper vigilant The patient is unable to identify a specific reason for the aforementioned statements Dr Spires will probably diagnose the patient with A Generalized anxiety disorder 3 What type of diagnoses are located on Axis II of the DSM IV A Personality disorders and pervasive developmental disorders 4 Randomly choosing letters to form words that have no meaning is termed A word salad 5 Define chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia A Chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia is the category assigned to schizophrenics who do not manifest specific symptoms of disorganized catatonic or paranoid schizophrenia Page 5 of 5

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CHIPOLA PSY 2012 - Abnormal Psychology

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