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UPPER EXTREMITIES BLOOD VESSELS AND NERVES ARTERIES 22 11 away from the heart subclavian under the clavicle and goes into the axillary axillary armpit posterior anterior humeral circumflex posterior wraps around humerus from the back and anterior wraps around the humerus from the front brachial goes down the length of the humerus anterior deep brachial goes down the back of the humerus and is smaller posterior radial lateral branch of the brachial artery ulnar medial branch of the brachial artery deep superficial palmar arches come together to from arches in the palm sent branches to the fingers anastomosis artery to artery vein to vein or artery to vein VEINS 22 22 to the heart Deep Veins match up with arteries deep palmar arch gives to the ulnar and radial vein ulnar cross over with the radial vein at elbow to becomes brachial radial brachial goes up to armpit and becomes axillary axillary subclavian Superficial Veins have no corresponding artery superficial palmar or dorsal arch cephalic vein lateral side of the palmar arch joins into the axillary vein where it becomes basilic vein medial side of the palmar arch joins into the brachial where it becomes axillary subclavian NERVES brachial plexus 14 10 place for re routing axons first 4 are big and the last one is small identification muscle control and skin that is carrying tactile sensations from musculocutaneous nerve Location anterior in the arm and lateral in the forearm Motor controls the arm flexor biceps and brachialis Sensory come from the lateral forearm median nerve location anterior arm and forearm motor all but 2 forearm flexors and both pronator muscles Sensory lateral hand and fingers ulnar nerve Location most medial in the arm and forearm motor flexor carpi ulnaris and adductor pollicis and part of the flexor digitorum profundus Sensory me hand and fingers 4 5 skin dial forearm radial nerve 14 10c largest nerve of the upper extremity location mostly posterior Motor extensor muscles triceps and superficial and deep extensors in the Sensory posterior arm forearm and hand axillary nerve Location around the shoulder joint Motor deltoid and trees minor Sensory skin of shoulder region

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