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Lecture One What is science What is life What is a plant A body of knowledge about the natural world Science is a technique a way of seeking principles about the world Science tries to verify these principles via experiments 1 Highly organized atoms cells organisms 2 Maintain stable composition 3 Take use energy from environment 4 Respond to stimuli 5 Grow and develop 6 Reproduce sexually or asexually 7 Show variations based on heredity 8 Evolve and adapt to their environment 1 Multicellular organism 2 Cellulose rich cell wall 3 Chlorophyll and are photosynthetic 4 Adapted to life on land or descended from land plants Plant Structure is divided into two main parts shoot roots Shoot usually grows above includes stem leaves nodes internodes and buds Flowers a specialized shoot where reproduction occurs fruits seeds develop Leaves site of photosynthesis blade petiole Node place in the stem where a leaf is attached Stem holds leaves transports water nutrients Provides support above ground Root usually below ground anchors absorbs water minerals 1 Roots anchor the plant to the soil 2 Absorb water and mineral nutrients 3 May serve as storage in some species 4 Branch roots root hairs root cap Lecture Two The Cell The molecules of Life Carbohydrates sugars starches cellulose Lipids fats oils waxes phospholipids steroids Proteins composed of amino acids Nucleic Acids DNA RNA Life s molecules share the 4 characteristics 1 Carbon based 2 Formed from a few elements C H O P N 3 Modular construction like bricks cheap and easy to build small building blocks 4 Their function depends on structure OR structure shape determines function 1 Carbohydrates Three types of Carbohydrates Mono Di Poly Disaccharides composed of 2 monosaccharides ex table sugar Polysaccharides long chains of monosaccharides Function of Carbohydrates Energy storage Carbon sources to make other molecules nucleic acids amino acids For structure in plant cells cellulose for cell wall 2 Lipids fats and oils are made from two building blocks fats are solid lipids at room temp animal derived lard butter Oils are liquid lipids usually plant derived corn oil peanut oil olive oil Lipids DO NOT dissolve in water

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UMD BSCI 124 - Lecture notes

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