NUTR 33512 Nutrition sqg t Chapter5 Carbohyd rates 6t i rv5 q A composeJd A qb Produced by plants ui pf irt Vntfrffi l d fta n and oxygen 3 4 cc lYr ho t oe Lesl Monbsaccharides and Disaccharides Polysaccharides Glycogen and Fiber C a1 at fa rbhqdfrefus cawnm 3 t rhc rc v I c 6 carbon single units v e ce f n bttd Monosaccharides V enr xtho i l wa tr urbs k t Irlgi oh w n t x n ts 5 carbon single un a Disaccharides Blood sugar dextrose n e osc Fruit sugar qq as ose a o s heLeJ e laclotz Part of lactose n ihe x o s ex x c s 2 ComplexCarbohydrates 6tLu1 A ir1 v I aoda f t ntrp o i ao raah anJ es fsrna in ffi nit ComplexCarbohydrates b r t gur t i n trgd s Mar wl yi Alpha or beta bond determine digestibility ry s r glucose glucose glucose 4 I a a Amylose straight chain Amylopectin branched tt t rF Hr r F ffiqi F lr i E t r r d iil tt vtel in ftrnh t f Lcu er br Cony crz oA fn aztZ al Auda eaa UU wi l ry et ra 1 42 2r1i t su lt tq yt aa 6 t 4 1a tu 1ft 4 d xA4ry eryh1frU 4 V f tp a A n a d tt4fra C niz7 Cg n1l lN u l s toW lrJ 5i tt i ffi tt i 1 ttirE e lr uf9 vry1 6 src h edilr c fq dlu fpY g u M Glucose glucose glucose Bonds cannot be digested by humans i lanL ca rfuA a e o f glucose in human body e nW turA c kb z J V Tn L er W f fuP LOmplex Laroonyqrares lTrgures lndigestible Polysaccharides Ua t W a ya D LdP blood sugar muscle use r Dietary Fiber 7hec t tn Pectin gum mucilage and some hemicellulose dhggel S tn u a krt a h a l chefuzl oe ins babiV ul J dissolr rv ua f a i or u rc s ft4 Z b J Y ffiws Typ63b f AfiE r e rs t a b I e Artificia I sweetenei ttglf 4a1k 1 ut le t ez 4 s at Alternative Sweeteners Yield o e ru c Jqcha cfn z AlternativeSweeteners Oldest alternative sweetener cannot be used in cooking ftfnr la l J n nn ftaiJs lthtqz ao icfu i Cannot be used in cooking containsd gcc 4 c sia n 7 j N eofarn Similar to aspartaqe but not digested Lr s l k S I Can be used in cooking SUcrotoSz SCeJgs r b4ei5 etrc ctrs Made from sucrose can be used in cooking frga a r j tu f Wa lsomer of fructose pre biotic o r r h s Ptu sr vu a re ot n l ch lanic t il 4T4t 7 4 Herbal suoolement recentlv aooroved bv FD anJ gri 2 prvl ua RDA Recommended tntake of carbohyd i Cl qffums F VT r al Limit added sugars Fiber ftfr Ci grams woman under 50 c grams woman over 50 g8 grams men under 50 3o grams men over 50 nni n rna A a v aut b rra ir ei e l 1a aA AarvrttuT fy s4 1 energy needs AMDR an tdlo Ptu L An tnstY a q e V fu Ld 6 Ae14 rr b Aq laxt c 4 l e r ffi Carnonvorare rnraKe fI o total energy neFos I Aoaea susars iu Recommended 6 25 5oo o less than recommended Functions of Average i nta ke J Aqit a0o t ylolr gU servtgr Laroonyorates o Protein sparing 4 kcal gm Body does not utilize gluconeogenesis t cd qts down of fatty acids t Functions of Sweetener Promoting Diverticula and Diverticulosis Reducing a t Reduc ng Water soluble fibers Water soluble fibers Carbohyd rate Digestion Mouth a absorption begins digestion amyl starch ase enzyme Breaks down starch Will not attack branch bonds Carbohydrate Digestion Small intestine Stomach amYrase SC aci d Acidic environment e u friffi arivarY Has same action salivary amylase Specific enzymes break down disaccharides 3 r tfi FG ru r4f Fiber not broken down Qc r c au c hnu uS breaks down sucrose breaks down maltose breaks down lactose Carbohydrate Absorption Glucose and Galactose crs F a a O Fructose Energy is expended No energy expended itting a carrier After Carbohyd rate Absorption Liver converts fructose and salactose to q ffiS S otil k utni usedLycetts Can be stored as muscle and liver glycogen Extra intake is COntNfk l to fat and stored as adipose tissue a fl tnS l n I 5 1 n nU Ar Glucose to pyruvate Anaerobic reaction C iYricr i I Aerobic V chtt r Vrrls ctt Aerobic Krebs fr6e l4lreaction Glycolysis glucose pyruvate Citric Acid Cycle Electron transport chain Total Citric Acid Cycle Electron transport chain Total ATP g CI 2 A 6 3a f Regulation of Blood Glucose tuSfS blood glucose sxf 1 r 5rl ru eo J top t Hormone that facilitates transfer of glucose from blood into cells Q g T t blood glucose SlfigeS Cortisol Epinephrine Norepinephrine and Growth Hormone v NrN cp v xrt o qNi patir Fa or f o pr L xn Role of Hormones table trJSCo Regulation of blood glucose figure Metabolism Glucose Homeostasis 10 te S r dl toc nr f a a a ur x a gr c o Muscle cell uptake tri glycogen Adipocyte fat cell S glucose in urine I b I production of glucose fromrylffpurces Metabolism Glucose Homeostasis p Li rec a6 gcc3z Metabolism Fasting Brc isr wr 4 cc r Q t 1 Rd po e r u rr5 qqtics eJ Metabolism Extended Fasting Li prr e plit ut r L if qgc 1 Diabetes Mellitus za fr lnsulin shots required Diet must be coordinated with insulin Exchange system carbohydrate counting 6 rdi rncreased risk ror e Diabetes Mellitus ltx X rylEs a nd li lljXgjlgis 40010 Most common type of diabetes l i Exercise i u s Medications rr nf r q df r rr Other Blood Sugar Disorders o o 6qi Group of factors that increase risk for Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease r o D Hypoglycemja Hypoglycemi fod ii Exaggerated insulin response after eating Hypoglycemia Low blood sugar after fasting rcnn n nf ob above 50 60 grams Health Concerns Health Concerns Decrease absorption of certain minerals lncrdase risk of weight gain and obesity lncrease risk of dental caries L rr u oa Vn o o rrr r t primary Decreased lactase production Secondary Associated with disease that damage the lactase producing cells Glucose lntolerance ffi Hypoglycemia Hyperglycemia Glycemic lndex and Load As Pt ffi H Ratio of a blood glucose response cor4pared with a standard Based on a 50 gm carbohydrate serving UlgcurLa A d Amount of carbohydrate in a food multiplied by glycemic index and divided by L00 More accurately reflects blood glucose impact
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