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Nutrition Final Exam Study Guide 12 Q s chapter 16 11 Q s chapter 17 Every other chapter has 4 Q s each 70 previous exams and 30 new Q s Final Exam Information Exam 1 Content Define kcal o A kcal is the amount of heat energy it takes to raise the temperature 1000 g 1 liter of water 1 C o 1000 calories 1 kcal 1 food calorie Know components of nutrition assessment and examples of each o A nthropometrics measuring various aspects of the body including height weight body circumferences and skinfold thickness o B iochemical measurement of the concentrations of nutrients and nutrient by products in the blood urine feces and of specific blood enzyme activities o C linical search for any physical evidence of diet related diseases e g high BP skin conditions o D ietary examines usual food intake food allergies and supplements used o E nvironment provides information on the person s education and economic background marital status housing condition Know leading causes of death in which nutrition plays a role o 27 diseases of the heart 23 cancer 22 cerebrovascular disease stroke Know definitions of RDA AI and UL o RDA recommended dietary allowances o AI adequate intakes o UL tolerable upper intake levels Know what is required on food label and who regulates it o Labels must include a statement of identity net contents of the package ingredients list manufacturer s name and address nutrition information nutrition facts panel Nutrition facts panel serving size and servings per container percent daily values DV list of nutrients fat total saturated trans cholesterol sodium carbohydrates protein some vitamins and minerals o The FDA food and drug administration requires food labels on most products Nearly all packaged foods and processed meat products require labels Nutrient content claims and health claims are closely regulate by FDA Know basic characteristics of the DRI s o Dietary reference intakes DRI s are a comprehensive set of nutrient reference values for healthy populations the can be used for assessing and planning diets Apply to people in both U S and Canada because scientists from both countries work to establish them o DRI s reflect the current state of scientific knowledge with respect to nutrient requirements DRI s are set for almost 40 nutrients o 5 sets of standards estimated average requirements EAR s RDA s AI s UL s estimated energy requirements EER s not a DRI but there is adequate macronutrient distribution ranges AMDR s Know what factors impact of nutrient content in food o Nutrient Density a tool for assessing the nutritional quality of an individual food Divide the amount of a nutrient in a serving if the food by your daily recommended intake Next divide the calories in a serving if the food by your daily calorie need Last compare the two Sugared soft drinks and junk food often are called empty calorie foods because they tend to be high in sugar and or fat but few other nutrients basically calories are empty of nutrients Know where majority of digestion occurs in the GI tract o Primary mouth esophagus stomach small intestine large intestine o Accessory liver pancreas and gall bladder Know the function of the portal vein o The portal vein transports nutrients from the small intestine and delivers them to the liver Define peristalsis and segmentation o Peristalsis contractions o Segmentation back and forth movements Know where most digestive enzymes are produced and secreted o Enzymes amylases lipases proteases are produced in mouth stomach small intestine and pancreas o Their functions are to breakdown carbs fats and protein into forms small enough for absorption Exam 2 and 3 Content Know the components of each disaccharide and the components of each o Disaccharides two monosaccharaides linked together Maltose glucose and glucose Sucrose glucose and fructose Lactose galactose and glucose Know the functions of fat and carbohydrate o Functions of digestible carbohydrates provide energy 4 kcal g protein sparing body doesn t utilize gluconeogenesis prevent ketosis incomplete breakdown of fatty acids sweetener o Functions of indigestible carbohydrates promoting bowel health reducing obesity risk enhancing blood glucose control reducing cholesterol absorption o Functions of fat concentrated source of energy 9 kcal g insulate and protect the body aid fat soluble vitamin absorption and transport source of essential FA palatability flavor and mouth feel satiety sense of being full fat slows down rate of digestion in stomach Be able to distinguish mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids o Monounsaturated fatty acid MUFA 1 unsaturated bond Binds to 2 H C C double bond Example is Oleic Acid 18 1 o Polyunsaturated fatty acid PUFA more than 1 unsaturated bond Examples are Linoleic acid 18 2 Linolenic acid 18 3 Arachidonic acid 20 4 Define gluconeogenesis o Production of new glucose by metabolic pathways in the cell Amino acids derived from protein usually provide the carbons for this glucose Know the different ways of classifying fatty acids o Saturated fatty acids long chain medium chain and short chain monounsaturated fatty acids polyunsaturated fatty acids Essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6 trans fatty acids Know the difference between complete incomplete and complementary foods o Animal proteins are classified as complete or high quality proteins because they contain sufficient amounts of all the essential amino acids o Plant proteins are classified as incomplete or low quality proteins because they contain limited amounts of 1 or more of the essential amino acids o When two or more plant proteins are combined to compensate for deficiencies in essential amino acid content in each protein the proteins are called complementary proteins When complementary protein sources are combined the amino acids in one source make up for the limiting amino acids in the other sources to yield a high quality complete protein for the diet Define hydrogenation o Adding hydrogen to make an unsaturated fat more saturated which yields trans fatty acids Know the RDA for protein o RDA for protein is 0 8g kg body weight Convert weight from pounds to kilograms 2 2 pounds kg Know normal blood glucose range o The normal blood glucose range is from 70 mg dl 100 mg dl Know what s unique about carbohydrate and protein Know the components of total energy expenditure o Basal metabolic rate BMR minimum amount of energy in a fasting state to keep a resting awake body alive in a warm quiet environment o Physical

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KSU NUTR 33512 - Final Exam Study Guide

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