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-lNUTR 33512: NutritionGl tractChapter 4: Human Digestion and Absorptionfir'rVci\rao ho{f^t 4L+{+"e eA llU tat ls^l<J('. Organization of the Human Body (figure). Digestive Organ SYstemCt^r \- 5q"ChZ - 15ehs - loch4- aofno( th . esophagus,:@44,h- small intestine, largeuse--- tYech,anina Iur.- ta-liw's onlYwS- che,-,t,fnXof nutrients from the Gl tract into theintestine -. o<la1rl II <', r- - pdffln rgnS and gall bladder 'O.LLI"' I . t. Digestive system (figure) t a^l,rt^(,1" NqooL*.rgs$'corl -t ro. Digestive System Overview .,'- c^"1 ' Y *5r\4,-Digestion' P'ot"" * bcu'WYrg dawn foods into a form the bodv cantou:'"u]^!$sr -":5S"%". lnnermost layer-hollow area is the lumenSubhnuccrrt\ - €'{. Contains blood vessels carrying nutrientsW\USc-\<;+;,ffi;:::.*,he,rac,Sphincters^(figure)fi.'nA 0 (V\r muscles that controlthe-the GltractGl Motility {figure)fie r iS!r"-\*is. Cbntractions - wr^\&-Saflrrv'+la*tr-,' ,.i$4. BaIk 5'na tortrt movement -w{'L(futna55 rY\pr,€.rw,nbs -lia\naaii. Peristalsis over widespread areaE \irvrit^,c"lrt'c$lmportant secretions of the digestive system (figure)$\o. lof contents inaIEnzymes (figure)" *\<o'X#-'l2t sc*avttraMouth {OralCavity)- ^f\ , r'. Chewing increases 3r f$?ca cu\ac:-' Mixed *;11l Sa\iizt food becomes a. Salivaha\.rs.* ig i+e nJs in -qs("'* aa dnjlNEnhances perception o1 -F \auorTaste and SmellTaste buds on the tongue and soft palate - contain '10.E\<-sece9oc ss11t. Salty. Sour. Sweet. Bitter. Umami -{v'ca}'t lwryOlfz.ctcn* CptlS in nose (smell). Stimulated with chewingEsophagus nSurtt\otritl"r+outh to the esophagusaPrevents f6od from lodging in the trachea. Covers theStomachb>aWSstomach,?trr{arypeptide (hormone) slowsW-nzaarofStomach SecretionsParietalCellsproteinsDestroys bacteria and virusesDissolves \\ftjrtt r.f.J to aid in absorptionConverts pepsinogen into pepsinpH scale {figure) 'Stomach Secretionstvwftr;. Lubricates and hold bolus togethergoes through lower e:c'?\T augaa-{ 6Phin(ffiIa)t. Bieak-s ilown bacteria. Breaks down starchs$q{ 'r^-Pu. rrfq'^r:''tSo+'n^sProtein d ig6sting enzymeYeh',?,| &,rui. Gastric lipase lipiA an 2yn^c-bree'"t*'d"e'.-'r-OftSbctn. HoYmone that controls release of HCI and pepsinogenWtU'Ct/Ll. Protects the stomach from being digested - pyyrlce 6?c*, /1( /Small lntestinePyloric sphincter allows chyme into the small intestine. Gastric inhibitory peptide {hormone) slows release of chymeMost@anO O"btrfPffiq^r occurshere---l-"- T)ro&o^.-,.", . ,1t\ u nurw "na ilzuryrvilliand tuti.rouilti .. - =J..il \abs."iri,*,, i o - rl'' CLVISOc Ptlcn-Small lntestine '\\tvilli- lined with: ivr'croJ)uA.r'SectionsAbsorptionPrimarily occurs in. Oeb*r. cg\lS - make *r.u, ol$'e * dr#, r.'z cziltroduce hormones. En+e.rrc?4<s - produce digestive enzymes and absorb nutrients. Contain a brush border of microvilli covered with glycocalyxLiver, Gallbladder and PancreasLiw.rr. P*uiU"r Uit". Enterohepatic circulation (recycling of bile)Uil'('Wnill" .-a,t. Biteffi" -ii*io(P' ;,ffu*w*ua, .o{*jt\r{s^fX:--_l.le &muak..r t1:+-. Concentration gradient ' '.," -:\r1o*rFa-ci\lroCcJ dlf0udi.{r. Concentration gradient + carrier proteinI$\A'\b@ile\. Carrier protein + energy (regardless of concentration)\7 hAoc.+\otls. Engulfment of compounds or liquidsAbsorption (figure)Nutrient absorption locations (figure)Moving Nutrients around the Bodylncludes heart,Water-solublevessels and blood'\5)\. Produces sodium bicarbonate, lipases, proteases and pancreatic amylasenutrients transported via capillaries in villito portalvein?2r'tt:Lqq ph?+r": e$e^^ -rarychoa **rff ,**+,. e.iurx !\' Fat-soluble nutrients and large particles transported via lacteals into thelymph vessels to thoracic ductPortal (Vein) CirculationTransports nutrients from the :tvra.tlinl6'hru and delivers them to the\twrt-{i\arunr uolw - tt-S *','nwi/Colon ,/,w. C-ecum, ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoidlecxxn \ftntj5 - )n"r P'u"$aetqt... '1 Iit IwAbsorption of water and electrolytesDefecation ofCommon Problems with Digestion- H"*um "nJ i.rtroesphogeal reflux 1 GA[D '1. Foods that increase rt-9\,u>(. Citrus, caffeine, chocolate, fatty foods, spicy foods, onion, garlic andtomato based foodsCommon Problems with DigestionUlcersaa. X,"o1:';iL"J,'rn", increase symptomsRecommendations {table}Common Problems with Digestion ,,St\tsrcnes >;'"h'"Food lntolerances\ndz[tinr.,.[ &as. FlatulenceConstipation. Fiber, fluid and exercise. Laxative useDta r f hea. Replace fluid and electrolytes\rii{o$cgA"naCause: \\ (.twi alcohol, tls$ttn and smokingTreatment: -"ao. Cause unknownHemorrhoids -tu+,L;-t znu<';,tr $ya*-s -w-pa^ t4,,c?{wp a cz'cns+ipc'+ict'C-eliac Disease b{ "-o&lntoleranceto W - 'e*t"-1 in 133 people affEcted f nsle;. Many undiagnosed t i,rr^**Large lntesting:i#ffidi*it'.i:>+i::?..;diet for liferice, quinoa, and buckwheat

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